Image by Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography

Pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's Most Holy
Sacred Sites, Ancient Portals and Powerful Ley Lines.
Anchoring Golden Pillars of Light.

Flowing Peace and Balance into the Michael and Mary Ley Lines
With Aluna Joy and Marcus Mason
July 15th - 29th 2025

Let us fall in love again and scatter gold dust all over the world.
Let us become a new spring and feel the breeze drift in the heaven's scent.
Let us dress the earth in green, and like the sap of a young tree let the grace from within sustain us.
Let us carve gems out of our stony hearts and let them light our path to Love.
The glance of Love is crystal clear, and we are blessed by its light. - Rumi

Exploring these Sacred Sites:
A private sunrise ceremony in Stonehenge, Avebury Stone Circle, A private visit to Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey, Wayland Smithy, Dragon Hill, Uffington White Horse, Village of Glastonbury, The Glastonbury (St Michael's) Tor, St. John's Baptist Church, Stanton Drew, Cadbury Castle, Archangel Michael's Chapel of Brentor, An English Tea Garden and Crystal Barn, Fairy filled St. Nectan's Glen, The Hurlers Stone Circle, Rocky Valley Labyrinth, King Arthur's Tintagel, Magical Merlin's Cave, The White Quartz Stone Circle of Duloe, St. Michael's Mount, Men-An-Tol, Boscowan-Un, Merrivale, Old Sarum and the famous Salisbury Cathedral.

The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart.
The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. - Carlos Santana

We are emerging from one of the biggest, longest upgrade realignment portals we have experienced in our lifetime. It was such a long and dreary journey that we almost forgot we were in this transition portal. We were beginning to think this dullness might be a way of life now and in the future. But we were wrong. So very wrong.

Our journey has made us stronger and wiser than ever before. We have closed the doors to things that no longer serve us, and we wondered what would be left of our reality. We are leaving behind the 'conspirituality' meant to derail and divide us, but it only made us stronger. We are clearer, and our hearts are wide open but with healthy boundaries because we know our true value and our worth. Now, we are beginning to open new doors, and the rush of energy can take our breath away and make our hearts race. These are exciting times as we come alive once again. We are ready! Now, a deeper focus and work can begin.

We shifted into a new reality in 2012, but we didn't begin to anchor it until the massive testing of faith and fear that 2020 to 2024 brought to us. We are emerging twice-born into a life that no longer resembles our past selves. We have a new passion for Earth and Humanity, with a focus on compassion and kindness, mindfulness, and, most of all, LOVE is awakening within us.

In 2022, in the middle of this portal, many Earth workers, earth oracles, and intuitives could see that Earth energy had risen up anew. The Ley Lines of Earth have measurably widened and strengthened and are continuing to do so. We can feel the pulse of the Heavens and Earth when we walk the sacred path on Earth's powerful Ley Lines. We can feel the upliftment within our bodies and our consciousness. We are drawn to give back in this symbolic relationship between earth, heaven, and humankind. We are servers to the Earth and Sky. We are servers of the LIGHT. (if you are still reading this, YOU are also a server of Light.)

On this pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's sacred lands, we will follow the Archangel Michael and Mary Ley Lines and work with the Sacred Sites and Ancient Portals. We will assimilate the new elevating Earth frequencies. They will heal, restore balance, and upload new codes of nature and the new human blueprint. These holy lands can anchor us to our new sacred path and lives and reawaken a new passion for our work and service to Earth.

The Holy Chalice within us was radically emptied from 2022 to 2024, and now we have the opportunity to mindfully refill it with new, higher, wiser frequencies. Now, it is time (finally) for us to step into this new cycle with body, mind, and spirit. It is time we put into practice all our newly acquired wisdom. This great inner wisdom is humanity's God-given birthright, and sacred pilgrimage is a powerful catalyst for our transformation.

The practice of assimilating new Earth frequencies has been mirrored in the past through numerous Master Teachers and sacred lineages that maintain the Divine Blueprint. Linking new codes of Earth with our body, mind, and spirit enables us and emanates through us to restore our ENLIGHTENED CHRIST BODY and restore our NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT on Earth. Opposing, controlling forces can no longer stop or even slow the wave of light that is coming.

These frequencies are greatly protected and can only be activated and accessed through the open sacred heart. Our sacred hearts are connected to the collective consciousness. What we do together as ONE will send strong alignment frequencies to uplift the heart of humanity through the Ley Lines in sacred Albion. If you are feeling the call in response to this invitation, your participation is crucial. You are not just a participant; you are a vital player. Our groups are family. Your unique and important role is integral to the success of our collective ascension. We have historically had the most amazing loving groups. We hope that you will join us and offer your valuable, unique energy with great love and dedication.

Your Spiritual Guides

Aluna Joy will be sharing her present moment clairvoyant messages and activations from various inner plane guides along with her ever-present Star Elders and Archangel Michael and others in her team.

Marcus Mason will be lending his extensive knowledge of the sacred grid lines of Avalon and astrology and will also be offering heart-felt ceremonies and meditations.

ALUNA JOY was born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders, "The Buddies." Today, she is an internationally known messenger, spiritual and sacred site guide, alternative historian, and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of present living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant/clairsentient gifts to excavate messages from ancient worlds and the enlightened guardians of these sites. She uncovers pertinent and timely wisdom and alchemy that is relevant to the current moment and our future.

Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, in 1986, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in her life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Jordan, Greece, England, Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand.

Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1995, the Inca world since 1996, the Egyptian world since 2008, and the Celtic world since 2007. She is well known for her down-to-earth, accepting attitude that makes everyone feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life."

MARCUS MASON, our local guide, has practiced and taught Soul-Centered Astrology for more than 30 years in the UK and in Ireland, Europe, and the USA. He has also practiced Traditional Acupuncture for 30 years and is a Member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBACC).

For the last 15 years, with his partner Sue Weaver, a crystal and shamanic healer and teacher, he has been researching the relationships and energetic effects of the planetary movements upon the body's energy systems and Chakras. What has emerged is a profound and elegant system of meditation, informed by more than 30 years of working with Astrology, Acupuncture, and Earth Energies.

Since his early twenties, Marcus has been fascinated by Earth Energies and the purpose of Britain's ancient Sacred Sites. As his understanding grew, he came to see how the sacred places of Mother Earth are like the acupuncture points on the human body and that many sacred sites are linked in similar ways to the points on the body's acupuncture meridians. On the Earth, these are the Ley Lines and the great planetary Dragon Lines, which encircle the planet.

In the 1990s, he co-founded a group that worked with planetary healing meditations inside Stonehenge at every Full Moon for 4 years from 1994 - 1998. Since then, he has worked with many groups on journeys for personal and planetary healing in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France, Belgium, Denmark, the Canaries, South Africa, Alaska and Hawaii.

Marcus combines his understanding of Acupuncture, Astrology, Earth Energies, and the human Chakra system, working with people at sacred sites to enable personal and planetary healing. When we work together in this way at a sacred site, it is inevitable that the healing energies of the place will have an effect at a personal level and that the energies of the sacred site will also magnify our healing intention and enable healing for the greater whole of humanity and Mother Earth.

Marcus lives in Cornwall, is one-quarter Cornish, and regards Cornwall as his spiritual home. He is a father to one son and is a grandfather to two grandsons.

To read more about Marcus and his partner Sue, please visit their website and Facebook page:

The only prerequisite to joining us on this pilgrimage is to arrive with an open heart. If you feel the heart calling to join us, you have been divinely invited. You are not here by chance but by divine design. No one arrives on one of our pilgrimages by mistake. Time and time again, this has been proven in our groups. Thank the creator for bringing us together and for choosing you for this special journey.

Pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's Most Holy and Sacred Sites
Anchoring Golden Pillars of Light.
JULY 15th through 29th, 2025

DOUBLE $6299.USD - Per Person
SINGLE $6999.USD - Per Person
Single supplements are limited and are subject to availability.

* Do you want us to help you find a roommate? Signing up early helps us find you a suitable roommate. Roommates are subject to availability. 60 days before to our pilgrimage dates, if we have not been able to find you a roommate, you will be responsible for the full single rate.

* EARLY BIRDS PERK! The first 8 people booking a shared room, or 4 people booking a single room will receive an upgraded room at two hotels.

Our group is limited to 21 adult spiritual pilgrims. Our groups book quickly.

NOTE: Should the group not reach 16 paid guests,
there will be a small group fee of $800.USD

A complete list of what is Included, or Excluded, Registration Instructions, Cancellation and Payment Policies, are listed on our Registration Form. The Daily Itinerary with Accommodations are listed on a private page. Request these details/links at [email protected]

(Using Messaging or Messenger, Whatsapp, Texting, and leaving Comments on Facebook may not get noticed.) We will answer you within 24 hours.

We are happy to send you references from past pilgrimage members if you request.

What are Ley Lines?

Earth's Ley lines were called 'Dragon Lines' by the Chinese centuries ago. Now, they are more popularly known as Rainbow Serpent lines. When several 'Dragon Lines' cross each other at a given point (node), their energy creates a massive energy vortex. When Ley Lines are worked, loved, and honored consciously, not only does the Earth's sacred balance come further into harmony, but the pilgrims working the Ley Lines also become more balanced. The sacred traveler and the Earth's life-giving grid are healed. It is a powerful symbiotic relationship between the Earth and humankind. On this pilgrimage, we will work with many such Ley Lines and nodes in England on the Michael and Mary Ley Lines. The Mary Ley Line undulates and crosses over the Archangel Michel Ley Line many times in England, making the Michael-Mary Ley Lines the most powerful Ley Lines on Earth. The Michael and Mary Line is part of the Rainbow Serpent that travels throughout England linking many sacred sites . . . from Carn-Les-Boel at the south-western tip of Cornwall, up through St Michael's Mount; Glastonbury, Avebury and many other sacred sites; From there, onwards up to Bury St. Edmunds, and finally to Hopton-on-Sea where it goes into the North Sea.

The major center crossing point of dozens of major Ley Lines, including the Michael/Mary Ley Line, is in Glastonbury, England. Glastonbury represents the HEART CHAKRA but also the THIRD EYE. An overwhelming amount of Ley Lines converge in Glastonbury, and you can feel it. Thus, we can see (third eye chakra) from our heart (heart chakra) on this major Ley Line grid. In Glastonbury, the Michael and Mary lines pass through Glastonbury Abbey, Chalice Well, the Tor, Wearyall Hill, St. John the Baptist Church, etc... before moving on to the Avebury stone circle complex and further over the English landscape. Earth's energy system is remarkably similar to our own human form. Our connection to the Earth is far more powerful than we realize, especially when our heartbeat and the third eye are not only held in the landscape but in our consciousness as a spiritual pilgrim.

Sites On Both The Michael and Mary Ley Lines:
(Very powerful Node points)
St. Michael's Mount
The Hurlers - Major Node
Brentor - Major Node
The Town of Glastonbury - A Major Node
The Tor
Abbey Grounds
Chalice Well
Avebury - A Major Node
Bury St. Edmunds
Silbury Hill

Sites on the Michael Ley Lines:
Knoll Down by Avebury - the serpent's tail
Wearyall Hill
St John's Church
Gog and Magog - out our back door of Middlewick

Sites on the Mary Ley Lines:
Wayland Smithy
Dragon Hill and Uffington White Horse.

Aluna's Messages from our past Avalon Pilgrimages.
Read these messages to prepare for the pilgrimage

Reading / Media Suggestions
Reading list ... if you so choose to prepare in this way. With this said, Aluna feels it is better to join us as a clean slate - like a child and read things after the pilgrimage.
You can read up on stone circles, etc..., here:
Standing with Stones - DVD
The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Isle of Avalon. Nicholas R. Mann. St. Paul,
Energy Secrets of Glastonbury Tor by Nicholas Mann
The Sun and the Serpent by Broadhurst and Miller
The Quest for Arthur's Britain. Geoffrey Ashe.
The Avebury Cycle. Michael Dames.
The Silbury Treasure, The Great Goddess Rediscovered
Stonehenge Revealed. David Souden
The New View over Atlantis. John Michell
Stonehenge Decoded, Gerald Hawkins

MEN-AN-TOL is a sacred site that holds power not in what is solid, but what is it in the void . . . the empty space inside the stone circle. It is in the void space where all the magic happens. It is said that when one passes through this ancient circle, one can manifest healing, abundance, balance on all levels, and even fertility. "Traditional ceremony at Men-an-tol involved passing children three times through the holed stone and then drawing them along the grass three times in an easterly direction. This was thought to cure scrofula (a form of tuberculosis) and rickets. Adults seeking relief from rheumatism, spine troubles, or ague were advised to crawl through the hole nine times against the sun. The holed stone also had prophetic qualities and, according to nineteenth-century folklorist Robert Hunt: If two brass pins are carefully laid across each other on the top edge of the stone, any question put to the rock will be answered by the pins acquiring, through some unknown agency, a peculiar motion." (from

BOSCAWEN-UN is thought to be one of the great meeting places of the Druidic Bards. (Druidic Bards are a group of educated religious leaders, poets, story tellers and even doctors, that served among the Celtic people.) The Mary Ley Line crosses here through the middle of the stone circle. It is known to be one of largest gathering places for Druids on the Island of Britain. The circle is still an important spiritual meeting place for local Pagan groups, and ritual offerings are still placed here.

Transcendent experiences are difficult and almost impossible to describe, because they are experienced from the Great Mystery of the Universal Heart. Once experienced, from this point on, it becomes our hearts calling to bring these experiences back into our material world. And if we are lucky enough to be able to anchor this indescribable extraordinary space, even ever if so briefly upon on our world, we know an echo of this divinity will reverberate on our Earth forever.
- Aluna Joy

WAYLAND SMITHY is a powerful portal to other dimensions. According to sources, the Michael and Mary Ley Line does not go through WAYLAND SMITHY. However, in 2015, a group member dowsed Wayland Smithy and said that both lines came into Wayland Smithy, but they did not cross or meet. Perhaps this is the result of the ever-changing ley lines in their location and width.

GLASTONBURY ABBEY is rich in myth, legend and some very sketchy history. Legend says that Joseph of Arimathea brought Jesus here and built the old Waddle and Daub Church. In 1191, legend says monks found the buried remains of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere under two huge, black marble stones. Both King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were re-buried in 1278 just in front of the high altar in the Abbey in the presence of King Edward I and Queen Eleanor. Again, they were buried under the original two huge, black marble stones. In 1539, the Abbey was destroyed by King Henry VIII. Many think he destroyed it because he was insanely jealous as the Abbey had a huge pilgrimage appeal because King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were buried here. He didn't like being overshadowed by a king that had been dead for centuries. He wanted King Arthur's legacy to be wiped out. So along with destroying the Abbey, he also destroyed any recorded history about King Arthur and his visions of Camelot. It is here where the remaining fragments of Arthurian history ends.

The Michael Ley Line runs through Glastonbury Abbey, and then curves into the high altar, now marked out by a rectangle of turf (the former place of King Arthur's Tomb). The St. Mary's Chapel has always been acknowledged as the 'Mother Church' of Britain - the earliest site of the first Christian church, allegedly founded by Joseph of Arimathea and his 12 disciples shortly after the crucifixion. St. Mary's Chapel altar marks the precise spot where the Michael Ley Line and the Stonehenge Ley Line cross. The Mary Ley Line breaks into 2 streams and flows around King Arthur's Tomb, and then merges back together running down the center of the church. The Mary line then flows right along St. Mary's Chapel, across the altar in the below-ground crypt and out through the west wall.

CHALICE WELL is linked to Christian and Arthurian legend, and is a timeless and sacred place that is full of legend, symbolism, sacred geometry and tangible healing energy. The well's location is at a crossing of twin currents of energy of the Michael and Mary Ley Line. It is said that Chalice Well is considered to be the 6th Chakra, related to the THIRD EYE, and is a location of the legendary King Arthur's Court. Pilgrims have come here for centuries to drink the iron rich water and to meditate and be healed in its amazing gardens.

Both the Michael and Mary Ley Line pass through Chalice Well and the area known as King Arthur's Court. The Mary line continues through the Lion Mask to the famous well-head. We have arranged a PRIVATE visit for our group to Chalice Well. This will give us the opportunity to be in ceremony and partake in the powerful healing waters within the footsteps of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the order of the (feminine) Mary's, Jeshua and Joseph of Arimathea.

- Image credit to Mike Jefferies of Glastonbury England

SAINT MICHAEL'S TOR is the earthly representation of the planetary heart chakra, which spreads out through the landscape. A climb to the top of this hill is uplifting and clearing, and frees the soul. The Michael Ley Line runs around the base of the Tor, and then forms a complicated labyrinth running in and around the area of the Tor hill, up the hill and encircles the Tor itself. From here, the Michael Ley Line heads off to Avebury. The Mary Ley Line flows around the south base of the Tor and then rises up the side of the Tor. The Michael and Mary Ley Lines both form complimentary labyrinths around the Tor nesting it in very powerful energy.

ST. JOHN'S THE BAPTIST CHURCH - What has haunted us over the years was the energy that we felt from two extremely old, black, marble slabs which cover two oddly, unmarked tombs on either side of the high altar at St John's Church. Once we touched these black marble stones, what washed over us was a tangible presence of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and a strange familiar feeling of an idealistic time in Camelot in which there was honor and impeccability. The tomb covers are oddly devoid of any names or dates. It appears that the original markings were actually removed. Interesting.

The Michael line runs through the tower of St John's Church. It continues through the Lady Altar and the small St George's Chapel on the right-hand side of the main church. St. John's Church houses amazing stained glass windows encoded with hidden wisdom of King Arthur, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea. It even has, "hidden in plain sight", the graves of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. Although many dowsers have confirmed this fact, it is still controversial.

Image by Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography

STONEHENGE - Religion in Neolithic times had similarities to pagan religions. The concept of Mother Earth and Father Sun overlap to some extent with the viewpoint of archaeo-astronomers. The concept of "energies" and the setting of Stonehenge at the intersection of many Ley Lines also follows back to a nature theme. Today, the Druid religion uses Stonehenge as a key religious monument, though druidism itself wasn't around at Neolithic times.

AVEBURY is a place where megalithic stone circles and twelve Ley Lines meet and go down into the Earth. It also has a powerful dimensional doorway. It is said that people come to England for Stonehenge and find out that it was Avebury they came for! On this location on the Earth, there is a crossing point of the Michael and Mary Ley Lines.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL'S BRENTOR CHAPEL on an Earth acupuncture crossing.

ST. NECTAN'S GLEN... Just too much magic for one photo! So we aren't even going to try! You are in for a surprise!


TINTAGEL - The Birthplace of King Arthur and sitting on the most epicly beautiful landscpes in Cornwall.

MERLIN'S CAVE at Tintagel - We go at low tide.

DULOE STONE CIRCLE - A beautiful, white quartz, crystal stone circle! Just amazing!

ST. MICHAEL'S MOUNT Ley Line goes through the western side of the castle through a great rock, balanced on a horizontal platform. The Mary Ley Line goes through the eastern part of the building known as the Blue Drawing Rooms which was previously the site of a ruined Lady Chapel. On a prior pilgrimage, Aluna had tuned into the presence of Excalibur and an 8 foot tall knight. Below the terrace, an ancient cross was positioned exactly on the center of the flow. " ... tales tell of seafarers lured by mermaids onto the rocks, or guided to safety by an apparition of St Michael who appeared on the western side of the island, below where the entrance to the castle is today. It is a legend which has brought pilgrims, monks and people of faith to the island ever since, to pray, to praise and to celebrate. And four miracles said to have happened here during 1262 and 1263 would have only added to drawing pilgrims from far and wide." (from the St. Michael's Mount website . . .

MERRIVALE has two beautiful stone avenues, a stone circle and large 'grandfather' stone. We love to let Spirit show us how to enter and what to do while there. We will be one body and acting from unity by this point!

Many of our detailed descriptions above are thanks to the research provided in "The Sun and the Serpent" by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller ... and also Marcus Mason and intuition from Aluna Joy.

As the journey grows, weaving you in with your companions ...
Why these people? This motley bunch, seemingly random, but assured, as boundaries soften,
ringing up all you need to see and feel, until we are all One Body - straggling or smiling
We are messengers for each other, like a medicine
We are stories to be told and heard: a cargo of treasure.

Our Amazing Pilgrimage Family
Our groups are like Sacred Sites . . . We never have enough time with them,
and we always want to see them again

So much beautiful magic and a loving heart-centered group
in our deep dive into mystic lands of Wales in the summer of 2024.
We are so blessed. We are forever raised to a new frequency.

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