Transcendent experiences are difficult and almost impossible to describe,
because they are experienced from the great mystery of the universal heart,
and not from the linear, organized, ego-based mind.
From this point on, it becomes our heart's calling to bring these experiences back into our material world.
And if we are lucky enough to be able to anchor this indescribable extraordinary space,
even ever if so briefly upon our Earth,
an echo of this divinity will reverberate on our Earth forever.

- Aluna Joy

The Ascension Panel on the ceiling at Dendara

A Private Retreat on the Nile and Spiritual Pilgrimage Experience

Dancing with the Divine - Awakening to our Ancient Wisdom
Anchoring Divine LOVE on Mother Earth on one of Earth's Major Chakra Spinner Wheels
Step Back in Time and Step into your Divinity,
All while gently Sailing on the Nile on a Private Luxury Sail Boat
October 1 - 12, 2025

We will experience . . . Giza Pyramids - The King's Chamber - The Sphinx
Cairo Museum - Old Cairo & Churches - Saqqara Pyramid - Luxor Temple - Isis Temple at Philae
Karnak Temple - Aswan Market - The Valley of the Kings - Deir el Bahari, Hatshepsut Temple
- Dendara Temple - Abydos Temple - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo Temple . . . and more
Experience a Private Soul Activation in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid (2 full hours)
A Private Session between the Paws of The Sphinx
A Private Sunrise Ceremony and Activation at Philae's Isis Temple
Private Sailing on the Nile in a Luxurious Yacht that takes us back in time.

Request registration details
(with inclusions/exclusions/registration form)
at [email protected]


NOTE . . . We do not plan the spiritual aspects of a trip in advance since we understand that Spirit moves in the moment. For this reason, the itinerary might change slightly. However, based on prior trips, rest assured that there will be time for meditation, teachings/messages/channeling, and ceremony as Spirit guides us throughout the pilgrimage. We hope this helps you decide if this adventure is right for you.

Day 1: Wednesday, October 1st
Arrival to Cairo
You will arrive at Cairo Airport, where you will be met by our Tour Managers. We have sent them your flight schedule. They will assist you through customs and immigration before transferring you to our accommodations located in sight of The Great Pyramid. For those who arrive early enough, there will be a dinner at a local restaurant. (D) (Overnight in Hyatt Regency Cairo West Hotel, Giza)

Day 2: Thursday, October 2nd
Opening Circle / Egyptian Museum / Old Cairo (the churches) / Welcome Dinner
After a gorgeous Egyptian Breakfast, we will have our opening circle. This is where we meet each other again . . . our pilgrimage family. We reaffirm our intentions and open up our hearts to be ready to receive all the messages that are meant to be acknowledged during our visit to the sacred temples of Egypt. We will visit the famous Cairo Museum, which houses a monumental collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts dating back to 4,000 B.C. Visiting the museum is an opportunity to see the statues and artifacts that originally were in the temples we will visit later on. This is the beginning step of creating a deep spiritual bond with the sites we will be visiting. Here, we will experience first-hand the different periods of ancient Egypt.

We will have lunch somewhere beautiful. Then we will visit Old Cairo, which includes St. Sergi church, where the holy family was hidden while they were in Egypt. We also visit Ezra, the oldest Synagogue in Cairo, and then visit the Amr Ibn El Ass mosque, which will all add up to give us an inclusive spiritual, religious feeling of Egypt. Here, they worship in harmony, being only steps apart from each other. This alone helps us gain respect for all religions, cultures, and perspectives.
(Overnight in Hyatt Regency Cairo West Hotel, Giza)

Day 3: Friday, October 3rd
Sakkara / Oil Shop with Gamal Oil Chakra Alchemist
Following an awesome Egyptian breakfast, We then drive to Sakkara to view the Old Kingdom pyramids on The West Bank near ancient Memphis. A late lunch will take place at a typical Egyptian restaurant in the countryside. Then we will visit the "Essential Oil" shop. The owner of the shop, Gamal Abdull Sami Zaki, is a 5th Generation aromatherapist and sacred oil alchemist in Cairo, Egypt. Gamal shares how to use these pure oils for healing our chakras, and we can benefit from his wisdom too. Welcome Dinner someplace wonderful for our first meal together. At dinner, we will receive a necessary orientation for tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, after our private visits, we will leave for Luxor. You will want to pack up this evening.
(Overnight in Hyatt Regency Cairo West Hotel, Giza)

Day 4: Saturday, October 4th
Sphinx and Great Pyramids / Fly to Luxor
In the predawn light, we are off to discover the most awesome wonders of the world on the Giza Plateau. This morning, we have a special, private 2-hour visit to the Great Pyramid King's Chamber. Here, we unite our energy with those who have come before us and those who will come after us as we embrace the powerful initiatory transformation it offers. When we exit into the light of dawn, we may hear the call to prayer. We will also experience a private visit between the Paws of the Sphinx and a lovely time on the Giza Plateau. Following this, we will have breakfast at our hotel. Then, we will check out and take a short flight to Luxor. We can grab snacks at the airport. Upon arrival, we will check into our beautiful floating palace on the Nile.
(Overnight in a Private Luxury Dahabeya Sailboat)

Day 5: Sunday, October 5th
West Bank and Luxor Temple in the evening.
This morning, we will make a sunrise pilgrimage to Deir el Bahari, the funerary temple of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut. We will also visit the Necropolis of Thebes on The West Bank of the Nile. The West Bank is where the Valley of Kings holds the tombs of the pharaohs that are inscribed with sacred transformative texts, including the Books of Knowing Light and Dark. Here are the tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramses III and VII, Seti I, Thutmosis III, and many others. This evening, we will pay a night visit to the Temple of Luxor and work with the brilliance of the human body. Here, we are able to see that this temple is built like a human body - the outer layers represent the feet, and as we move deeper into the temple, we move towards the head, where the holy of holies, the inner sanctuary, is located. As you walk through the body of this temple, notice how your body feels and remember your true divine energy body. Awaken the parts of you that are sleeping, activate divinity codes, and turn on your inner light. (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 6: Monday, October 6th
Dendara and Abydos
This morning, we head to Dendera to visit the exquisite temple dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of abundance, love, and joy. The temple is built with a zodiacal ceiling that recalls the origins of Egypt. It is also home to the great Goddess Nut. On the rooftop where Hathor priests and priestesses gathered for their celebrations thousands of years ago, we reconnect to our destinies. We then continue north to the temple at Abydos, dedicated to Osiris and housing the nine great beings (the Ennead).
(Breakfast/Box Lunch/Dinner)
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 7: Tuesday, October 7th
Karnak + Sailing
In the morning, we will visit the magnificent Karnak Temple. Karnak is the biggest temple complex in Egypt - and a very special place. It is dedicated to the Gods Amun and Mut. As we enter, we will walk between a row of rams-headed sphinxes, which originally connected Karnak with Luxor Temple, which is two miles away. Outside the main halls is a small chapel dedicated to Sekhmet, her consort Ptah, whose presence has been captured in rare images. Sekhmet is the Lion Goddess of compassion and courage. She is associated with divine feminine fire and healing through the dismantling of all that is out of balance with a very powerful LOVE. She is a renowned healer and known for her MAGIC and ability to hunt down any imbalances at their core. In a potent private initiation, we will honor the Goddess and receive the gift of courage to be our true, authentic selves. Read more about Great Mother Sekhmet in the other column of this website. We will start sailing to Esna and have Breakfast and cross Esna lock. (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 8: Wednesday, October 8th
Edfu and Sailing
We will sail toward Edfu through the Egyptian countryside. In the afternoon, we will visit Edfu and the Temple of Horus, one of the most beautifully preserved temples in Egypt. Horus can show up as a hawk soaring overhead. We see him often. Horus is an archetype of Archangel Michael. Horus is associated with higher vision and clarity. The eye of Horus greatly relates to his myth and power. The left eye represents the lunar, the moon, the intuitive, the feminine energy. The right eye is connected to the solar, the masculine, the action, and the yang energy. Both are necessary for true power to exist. The side chambers show the complexity of ancient rites; they include a healing chamber, a perfumery, and singers' rooms. One chamber called the House of Life, stored all of the sacred texts used in seasonal and daily rituals. In a private empowerment attunement, we will work with balancing the lunar and the solar energies inside of us and awaken our intuitive centers to be able to experience a higher perspective.
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 9: Thursday, October 9th
Kom Ombo - Sailing - Felucca Ride with Gamal and the Aswan Market or Visit a Nubian Village. We will visit the healing temple of Kom Ombo. Kom Ombo is the only dual temple in Egypt. This dramatic temple was dedicated to two Gods - Sobek, the Crocodile God of strength, fortitude, fertility, and rebirth, and Horus, the hawk-headed son of Isis and Osiris. The duality of light/dark, yin/yang, conscious/unconscious is apparent in this ancient site. But this site merges duality. One of the most powerful places in Kom Ombo is the Seat of Neutrality, which is placed on the exact centerline between the parts of the temple that are dedicated to Horus / Sobek and Light / Dark. In midday, we will be enjoying more relaxing sailing to refresh and recharge our souls. Remember, rest is very important for the integration of these powerful energies. In the late afternoon, we will enjoy a relaxing felucca ride sailing around Elephantine Island, where the Ark Of The Covenant was stored before being moved to Ethiopia. (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 10: Friday, October 10th
Philae Isis Temple + Sailing to Esna
In our private sunrise meditation and ceremony, we will return to the source of all that is: the Great Mother Isis at Philae. Philae is also home to the Immortals that have given Aluna many messages over the years. We will receive their blessings at sunrise at the beautiful island temple at Philae. The presence of Isis and the Immortals is palpable in the inner Holy of Holies of this temple. We return to our Dahabeya for breakfast and begin our morning sail towards Esna. Sail and integrate the remainder of the day.
(Overnight in Private Dahabeya)

Day 11: Saturday, October 11th
Luxor Closing Circle on the Dahabeya and flights to Cairo.
After Breakfast we will have our Closing Circle before we head back to the modern world in Cairo. At mid-day, we will take a short flight to Cairo and check into our luxury accommodations at the Le Meridien Airport Hotel. This Hotel is conveniently next to the airport for those who have insanely very early morning flights you all tend to book. Here, we will have our closing circle and an awesome final meal together. We have given you much-needed time to prepare for your flights home, as the real world is going to feel quite foreign to you now. You have changed, you have lightened your energies, and your heart has expanded. You will begin to notice how much you have been altered by our pilgrimage by this point. (Breakfast/Dinner)
(Overnight in Le Meridien Cairo Airport Hotel)

Day 12: Sunday, October 12th
Departure Day
We will arrange the right times for your transfers to Cairo airport for final departure. Breakfast for those leaving later in the morning. (Breakfast)

Egypt Pilgrimage Investment
October 1 - 12, 2025

Double Occupancy per person: $6200.USD

Single Supplement: Additional $1200.USD (land based only)

* Prices are per person and do not include your round-trip flight from your home to and from Cairo, Egypt.

* Single Supplement only applies to rooms at land-based hotels.

* Maximum group size 18-20 pilgrims
Group size of 15 or less there will be $900.USD additional small group fee.
(We always filled our group to capacity, and turn people away.)

* Inclusions - Exclusions and Accommodations
are listed on the Registration Form.
Request registration details (with inclusions/exclusions/registration form) at [email protected]

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in was born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. She has evolved into an internationally known messenger, spiritual coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy, an Earth Oracle. Aluna acts as a "spiritual archaeologist," using her clairvoyant/clairsentient gifts to excavate messages from the masters of ancient enlightened cultures, to share what is relevant in life today, humanity and for the collective consciousness. She has been offering spiritual pilgrimages since 1996 and began her work in Egypt in 2008. Read more about Aluna Joy

Aluna Joy's Public Official Facebook Page:

Read a few of Aluna Joy's messages here ...

Mona Ahmed will be our private egyptologist for our entire pilgrimage. Mona has 30 years experience as a licensed freelance tour guide in Egypt with a track record of directing tourism programs for a considerable number of worldwide well-established travel companies. She is especially skilled at directing long inclusive itineraries like ours, and is experienced in delivering both, Egyptian history and modern life culture. Her philosophy is to deliver the most memorable and enjoyable experience possible. She loves to help travelers build beautiful memories of Egypt by guiding them to explore its beauty in ways only travel can do. Mona Ahmed has a Bachelor's Degree in Egyptology from Alexandria's University, in 1991 and she lover the poetry of Rumi and Sufism, and has studied Reiki energy healing.

"The first time I met Mona I was simply taken by her openness and her inner light! I knew right away she was just right for my groups, and she proved me right on our trip in 2023. She is a gift." - Aluna Joy

Our Amazing Egyptian Pilgrimage Family

We discover more than Sacred Sites.
We discover our purpose.
We discover each other!
Our groups are like Sacred Sites . . .
We never have enough time with them,
and we always want to see them again
Enjoy the GROUP LOVE VIBES in our group photo album.

So much gratitude to our awesome, loving, fearless group in 2023. It was an exceptional pilgrimage because of you!

"Allahom eghferlaha w erhama w taqabal saleh el amaal'

Mother Sekhmet's energy really moved through us and we became the children of Mother Sekhmet! It was a precursor to the rising of the Divine Feminine we are experiencing now! But sadly, it will be the last time we will have the presence of our soul sister and guide, Doaa. She was a strong Egyptian woman of Love.

Our big moment on this pilgrimage was when we zipped the separation and division of the world together. We were the 2016 zippers! Now we hope that energy grows to heal humanity. We always need patience with this type of energy work where we laid down a new foundation for the future.

We called ourselves the New World Support Team back in 2015. We just love humanity and the entire earth.

In 2014, this was a group filled with so much LOVE and JOY. We called ourselves the Heartsong Habibis. Habibi means . . . my Love

Our group in 2013 that was filled with so much LOVE and JOY. We anchored beautiful energy here on this pilgrimage.

The group in 2012 was where Mother Sekhmet began putting us on a quest for her. The story built from one day to the next.

Our first group was with Quest Tours in 2011 during the big Arab Spring revolution. What an amazing journey. Egypt was all ours.

My first group to Egypt in 2008, where I knew I would decide if I was to ever go back. Well . . . you see what happened!

Spirit Guidance for this Pilgrimage
Merging as ONE with the Universe, Earth, and Humanity.
Inspiration for this Pilgrimage is based on a recent message received from Source. Read it Here.

Over the years that I have been traveling to Egypt, I began to notice that what happens here and what we learn in this indescribable and ancient land has consistently proven to be a precursor to what will transpire out in the world. Egypt and its powerful temples spiritually catapult us a step into the future as spiritual preparation for what is coming. Opening ourselves to this future reality makes us warriors, healers, and liberators of past illusions. Egypt simply blows open a portal within us to our Divine future.

What our world will look like after such a profound experience is always unknown to us at this time. We are entering a future we have never experienced before and we are creating this new world step-by-step as we go. Timelines are wobbling and blurring. Altered realities are only separated by a thin veil now. We are becoming multidimensional and spherical beings. It really is a confusing, unsure time in our world, and yet one of the most exciting times and the reason why we signed up for this life in the first place.

The Giza plateau and great pyramid area is what is known as a "spinner wheel" for the two major lay lines that circumnavigate the earth. These two ley lines are the Rainbow Serpent Ley Line and the Plumed Serpent Ley Line. Giza is literally one of the heart pumps that keep the energy flowing around the Earth. Egypt reveals clues for us and our future. This energy is assimilated within us, but it also washes over the Earth to every single corner of Gaia. What happens in Egypt never stays in Egypt; it ripples like Golden Light across the world, transforming everything in its path through the pumping of this spinner wheel. Dowsing communities have noticed ley lines are getting stronger and bigger recently. This means the energy is much more available to us now. But it also quickens our work in a profound way.

This pilgrimage's intent is to inoculate ourselves, much like a homeopathic remedy, in this future-based Golden Light, helping us gain clarity as to what our next steps are in this new creation. It helps us learn and remember how to be better human beings, live more impeccably, with deep authenticity, and most of all, openly, deeply loving. Through our compounding and powerful experiences, over the days we will be traveling together, we will simply inoculate the rest of the world when we return home. We learn to LIVE a new truth.

The old shackles that have been around the Divine Feminine, the creative energy of the universe, have rusted and fallen off. The ley lines of the earth are pumping more Divine Feminine energy than ever before. It is time for us to realize our true value, and once we recognize our value, our true path will unfold in front of us. The Great Mother, like our Mother Sekhmet, is roaring her strength alive again in the hearts of every woman, man, and child. Men and women alike are being challenged to step up to the plate or forever get stuck on the old-world hamster wheel. The clues are undeniable.

A new path is being created by us right now. Egypt will not only activate this further within us but anchor it into our very being. It reminds us that no matter how unbalanced reality becomes, the universe always self-levels, just like the great ocean. Those who have done their inner work, lived from the heart and are actively working to evolve their consciousness will find themselves in the calm of a very big storm that always comes with the shift of age. We know that there is no final destination, only a path that leads to a more compassionate, loving, peaceful life and world. It is up to us to create.

We are our own ancestors returned

You are invited to join us on a special pilgrimage to the center of the ancient motherlands of earth. The ancient sites that we visit are very much still alive, and their energy is quite tangible, even if you think that you are a novice to the spiritual path. The only pre-requisite for this pilgrimage is an OPEN HEART and HUMBLENESS. That is it! We are at the beginning of something new, and you are a part of this new beginning. There is nothing you need to do but answer the call of your heart.

Over the course of two powerful weeks, we will dive deep into ancient mysteries and into the purest alchemy of the ancients of ancients. We will travel to many sacred temples and enter their Holy of Holies. These sacred places were set aside for the spiritual elite in the ancient past. Now we can visit these places and are being invited to a quest to come HOME to ourselves in the LOVING energies of Mother Sekhmet, The Immortals, The Hathors, Thoth the Atlantean, Goddess Nut, Isis, Osiris, Horus, Akhenaton, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Jeshua, and the ever-present Star Elders . . . You will feel their hearts beat with yours. Every temple holds surprising pearls of wisdom and unexpected gifts for your open heart. We never know where the magic will happen, but we do know it always does. The many awe-inspiring temples and the etheric presence of the ancient Gods and Goddesses of Light are waiting to assist us in our arrival and awakening.

Each day of this journey has been time-tested and honed perfectly to maximize and support your personal initiation. Our goal is to give you an opportunity for you to come home to yourself and enter into the ancient mystery. We deeply intend that you will be connecting with your authentic wisdom and your clearest purpose that will change your life in lifelong ways. Because of our small group, our flexible schedule, and our incredible staff, we will visit each site at the most favorable time to maximize privacy and solitude. Some of the sites we go to are reserved in advance and are guaranteed to be available for ceremony just for our group!

We will have a great opportunity with a private, pre-dawn meditation in the King's Chamber, and then we will anchor this experience between the Paws of the Sphinx. This will launch us into multi-dimensional worlds for the remainder of the pilgrimage. During the entire pilgrimage, we are blessed to have our own personal Egyptologist, to answer any question that we might have about Egypt's history and culture. Aluna Joy will be there to tune in to see what the guardians have to say and to receive any mission or job that they might offer to our group. There will also be ample time for personal exploration and gathering in guided meditation with a discreet ceremony.

Journey on the Nile just as the Ancients did.

We travel on the Nile on a traditional sailboat called a Dahabeya. The privacy is a huge blessing to have this experience on the Nile. It makes us feel like we are stepping back in time. At night we are lulled to sleep as the Nile water laps gently upon the hull with a universe of stars overhead. We're more able to connect with the earth's energies and mother nature with such an unfettered experience. The atmosphere has been carefully prepared, and the heart-centered crew is there to ensure our comfort and well-being in every way. It is a priceless experience. Our daily schedule offers you abundant opportunities for personal time, deep reflection, and integration. Our floating palace is spacious with a variety of gathering places so that each person finds what they need, from conversation to solitary quiet. During the cruise, Aluna Joy will lead circles and gatherings as spirit calls.

Egypt says "Love is OUR Religion"

Read messages from past pilgrimages to Egypt HERE

The Great Mother Goddess Sekhmet

On my first two pilgrimages to Egypt, Mother Sekhmet would not speak to me. I guess she was watching me to see if I was dedicated and serious about this work. In 2012, a group member asked me to try again, and I did. Mother Sekhmet said one thing. She said, "COME BACK". This was confusing to me as I was standing right in front of her in the famed Cairo Museum. A few days later, we arrived at the awe-inspiring temples of Karnak. We were allowed into the Great Mother's small temple, where she has stood undisturbed and unmoved for centuries. When we walked into the temple, we were instantly on our knees, sobbing tears of love and joy. Her love was so amazing and powerful and HEALING! We were about to leave the temple when I was told to take a photo. My phone was on video mode, and we were all shocked to see the orb video I have linked above. She and I have been soul-linked ever since. She asked us to return, and we have.

For many years now we have returned to honor this great mother and powerful Goddess. In 2014, a group member caught a photo that blew our minds. Group member Jacqueline and I were embracing and giving our hearts to Mother Sekhmet, and she hugged us right back! (See photo) We were shocked to see that you could see her arm raised around us. Her fur, knuckles, and claws were all visible in a ghost-like apparition in the image. It was a sweet confirmation, and as we left her temple, I felt her come out of her temple and join us in the outer world. I have felt her in many places and also in the King's Chamber with Thoth the Atlantean (another pal of our groups). I didn't think much about it until the following year.

In 2015, we began our pilgrimage to the King's Chamber. I again saw Thoth, Mother Sekhmet, and Jeshua (and many others) come into the pitch-black chamber. We were called to do some clearings of humanity's contaminated lineage lines. Once again, Mother Sekhmet showed herself. We saw her feet, toes, and fur, and she stood right behind me as we were packing up to leave the chamber. Yet again, she had made it clear that she was working with us and had become a loving part of our group.

Some background on Sekhmet: She is considered a high-level, dimensional Being of Light who is dedicated to healing and uplifting humanity. Sekhmet breaks down old energies for transformation and brings in new light. She is the Lion-Hearted Goddess of healing power. If you are a keeper of light, truth, and love, she is amazingly tender-hearted and has love that could heal and move mountains all at the same time. She breaks down the old to bring in the new.

There are many names for Sekhmet: Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time, the Awakener, Lady of Enchantments, Great One of Healing, Giver of Ecstasies, Opener of Ways, Lady of Transformation. Sekhmet is a Light Being who has given service to our planet for a long time. In the higher realms, she holds expanded light, beauty, and the powerful alchemy of gold. The hot desert winds are believed to be her breath, and she is the warrior manifestation of Great Love. What is less known to most is the tender yet strong heart of this Great Mother, who often teams up with two of my best buddies, Archangel Michael and Thoth. This is why we love her so much.

There are many, many reasons why we keep going back to Egypt. Mother Sekhmet is only one of them. I would continue to go back to Egypt for this one reason only. But there is so much more... and many surprises, magic, and unexpected gifts as well.

So please join us if you feel called in your heart. If you have found this website, there is a reason for this. There are no accidents. But it's up to you to choose if this is the right place and time for you. Spirit always sends us the right group of people, and I have no doubt that this group will be uniquely curated by Spirit for exactly what we need to do in the ancient lands of Egypt.