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Star Elder Sessions Articles / Messages / Activations ~ Aluna's Book Shelf ~ Our Newsletter About Aluna Joy ~ About the Star Elders ~ Facebook ~ You Tube Heart Donations ~ Get in Touch ~ Home ![]() Momostenango, Guatemala 04/20/99 Aluna Joy Yaxkin ~ March 1999 In ancient times, a Mayan Priest could foretell what would manifest in the coming year by listening to the messages in the first sunrise of the New Year, Spring Equinox. These ancient ways are practiced less in modern times, but our ability to listen to the Sun is still available to us. The challenge is to reactivate our ancient talents and bring these traditions up to present time. This has been one of the focuses that has inspirired the World Wide Solar Ceremonies for Planetary Awakening, a.k.a. The Solar Wave. The Equinox of 1999 boasted over 200 groups worldwide that gathered to meet the rising Sun, together for common goals, awakening, peace, healing and commitment to a higher purpose filled with truth, integrity, and love. With the understanding that we are creators of our reality, we set out to make a difference; to cast our vote to the universe that we are ready to live Heaven on Earth. I was honored to share my New Year sunrise with a small group of spiritual seekers in the highlands of Guatemala. What called us there was an ancient story that began in the days following the fall of Atlantis, when Stars Beings came to Earth to help the Balams clear the clouds and restore harmony to Mother Earth. During this time the ancients anchored dozens of calendars and measured the new land masses between Alaska and Argentina. This center point of the new land masses was considered the navel of Mother Earth. This center is Momostenango, Guatemala, and there is to this day a humble and sacred alter there atop a mountain called Paklom. The nearest village with accommodations for our little group was Quetzaltenango, which was one hour away from the sacred alter, Paklom. At sunrise we rose and climbed up on the roof of our hotel. We could see the entire village of Quetzaltenango. As the Sun was rising, we began our day with prayers and blessings in humble surroundings without pomp or ceremony. We simply opened our hearts, listened and prayed. We worked in nearly total silence, as we listened to the sounds of the awakening roosters and a myriad of tropical birds. Every so often one of us would break the silence to share a prayer or affirmation. We felt like angels sending our positive energy and prayers and intentions throughout the village and then again around the world. As we awaited and listened for the message of Father Sun, filled with it predictions of the new year, we merged with everything around us; the village, the people, the mountains, the earth, the sky. We all became one. Each in their silent prayers only known to them, were confirmed by the roosters crow, a birds flight over head. In the realm of synchronicity, the church bells peeled and fire crackers popped all over the village just at the right moments. It brought us all to tears. The New Year had arrived and the message had been heard, not with our heads, but with our hearts. After much contemplation, my heart song can be brought to words. This is what I heard. This is the year for humanity to come together. It is the year for Earth and Humanity to understand their deep and intimate connection. The barriers we once saw as different races, religions and countries would dissolve and break way to becoming a global family. It will be a year of celebration of life. A celebration of humanity, Earth and sky. The magnificence of life on Earth is singing and we are part of the song. As long as we hold the vision of harmony, the song will be melodic. After a light breakfast, the group climbed aboard our humble mini van to herd up to meet with the Elders and participate in a ceremony at Paklom. We had been purified two days prior, in a Maya steam bath called a Tuj (tuke). We also had an entire day of instruction before our entrance to Paklom was allowed. The elders wanted our hearts to be pure before we entered Paklom and joined the powerful ceremonies they were planning there. In Momostenango our group stood out. We were the only non-Mayas in the village, but strangely enough we didn�t feel out of place. It was home and these Elders were our family. We climbed to the top of a little mountain and there on top was a small round burned area. This was the sacred alter of Paklom. The ash and candles had left a mound over a foot high and 3 feet wide, a testament to the hundreds of years of ceremonies that had been performed here. A fire nearby was never allowed to go out, and a local villager was tending it while he said his morning prayers. Joining us were five Kiche Maya Elders, one being the Elders of the elders, who has been kept secret, and has rarely been brought out in public. Even as I write this article, I am not allowed to use his name for his protection. Mayan Elder, Rigoberto Itzep Chancovac, director of the Mission Maya Wajshakib Batz, is an incredible day keeper, shaman and priest, and is also the keeper of the dance in his village. Also joining us were local traditional musicians, dancers and a small crowd of villagers. The Elders began to build the foundation for an elaborate ceremonial fire from the huge bundles of ceremonial supplies that were brought along. They began to untie the strange looking bundles. There were little cups make from Copal and wood chips wrapped in long bundles of corn husks, bags of incense, candles, all kinds of fruit, bundles of flowers, herbs and other items. First, they cleared the area of debris, then drew a Mayan symbol using sugar on top the alter, after which they arranged the little cups made of Copal along the same lines. I learned that the little cups represented volcanoes. Then they began to arrange dozens of candles, with the four main colors, red, white, blue and yellow, at the center, which anchored the four directions. Various fruits were placed on the outer rim of the circle, as food for the spirits, along with my bowl of water to make a Paklom - Equinox Flower Essence. When the building of the ceremonial fire was complete, the elders began to speak prayers in their native Kiche tongue, to the four directions, to call in protection and the blessings of the deities Gugumatz, Huhubacan and Tepeu. Once the four directions were anchored and the Creator Gods were asked for permission to begin the ceremony, they went around the circle and blessed each and every person in the group. You could feel the Elders� intent to announce you to the Creator deities, the directions, and also to the calendars. For over two hours the Elders prayed feverishly to all the calendar days - to all the sacred sites they have been to. and all the Elders that they know�The prayers were filled with power and intensity, but most of all they contained a deep reverence. Our group was blessed and blessed. We cried and cried. Young girls danced around the fire and threw flower petals, some landing inside my water bowl. Copal filled the air and the sound of the prayers in Kiche echoed, seaming thought out time or into no time at all. Once the ceremony was over, we were all noticeably shifted and knew that our new year had been anchored in a powerful, heart filled and reverent way. There are no words to describe the deep heart opening and the utter surrender we felt to the Great Spirit. Gratefulness weld up in my heart so strong that I wondered if I could open further and still be in human form. Even now as I write this I know the words fall short of the experience. Words only touch the essence of truth in these special times. For the new two weeks our group traveled with the elders and experienced many beautiful things that only deepened the intentions we set that equinox morning. My gratefulness deepens everyday and the blessing of life fills my heart with a deeper meaning of reverence. I thank the Great Creator for allowing me to be here in this most amazing time on Earth. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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