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Star Elder Sessions Articles / Messages / Activations ~ Aluna's Book Shelf ~ Our Newsletter About Aluna Joy ~ About the Star Elders ~ Facebook ~ You Tube Heart Donations ~ Get in Touch ~ Home ![]() Aluna Joy Yaxkin March 1999 A small group of initiates were invited into the highlands of Guatemala to the village of Momostenago, just prior to Spring Equinox of 1999. The pilgrimage was initiated by a humble yet enthusiastic invitation from a Kiche Mayan Elder named Rigoberto Itzep Chanchovac. I had met Rigoberto the year prior, and had struck up a friendship. At this first meeting I knew he was a soul brother, and the doorway into the Maya world I had been awaiting for over a decade. Rigoberto is sharp, clear, and committed to the puirty of the Maya tradition. He holds a humble reverence for his traditions, ceremonies and calendars. He is the spokesperson for a large organization of Mayan Priests, Elders and Daykeepers called Mission Maya Wajshakib Batz�. Our group was being invited by the Mission Maya to be initiated into a pure form of traditional Kiche Mayan cosmovision. The Momostenago area, and its sacred alters, have an ancient, yet cosmic history. This site�s history began back in the days following the fall of Atlantis, when Stars Beings came to Earth to help the Balams clear the clouds and restore harmony to Mother Earth. During this time the ancient Star beings anchored many calendars and also measured the new land masses between Alaska�s northernmost point and Argentina�s southernmost point. This center point was considered the navel cord of Mother Earth. This center is the humble alter on top a mountain called Paklom, at Momostenago. As the pilgrimage dates neared, from Guatemala only deepened our belief that this was going to be a powerful transforming experience. We discovered that besides Rigoberto and three other Priests, the "Elder of the Elders", was also going to join us in the initiations. Even as I write this article, I am not allowed to use his name for his protection. Other of what we were to expect during our time in Guatemala shared that the community of Momostenago was coming out for our group. We were going to be honored with the proverbial Mayan red carpet. Dancers, artists and musicians were going to share their traditional arts. We were going to be part of ancient Kiche ceremonies. What really got our attention was the about a Mayan steam bath called a Tuj (Took), which is the beginning steps for our Mayan initiation called "Walking". We arrived is Momos, as the locals call it, on the morning of March 19, just prior to the Spring Equinox / Mayan New year. I knew little about the area except of the ancient story. I was surprised to see pine trees and feel the effects of the higher altitudes. The air was clear and sweet. We did not know what to expect. But this group of adventurers were willing to surrender to anything. We were ready for the first step. We were told that Mayan Ceremony is a strong force and can not be entered lightly. All that were to participate in the Ceremonies in Paklom, Tikal and Copan were to be purified first. Purification protected the initiates and anyone entering without a pure heart could be harmed. After prayers and blessings we were instructed on what to expect on entering the Mayan Tuj. The Tuj is a small round Mayan steam bath made of adobe and used for purification and clearing and to pay debts to the Creator and deities of the Mayan world. We put on our sweat clothes. Our hearts were filled with the unknown. We entered four initiates at a time. The entered through a crawl space backwards, on our hands and knees. Sometimes women give birth in the Tuj, and the ceremony we were performing represented reentering the womb of the mother. I have to admit that I was quite intimated by this initiation. My heart knew I was about to experience a great purification. As I fought with my ego, I scrambled inside myself for a way out. I began to realize that if I backed out of this initiation the Great Creator would see that I did not want to advance spiritually. I certainly did not want to sent this signal to the universe�. So with a big sigh I surrendered myself to the Tuj. I crawled into the Tuj. Once the door was closed I could see the coals glowing in the corner. The fire was built from the outside and had a opening to let the heat inside the adobe Tuj. The floor was covered in pine needles and grass. Quickly, I felt my heart open. It was obvious that a lot of praying had been done in this tiny hut. The essence of reverence and humbleness permeated the walls and filled the air like the most sacred cathedral. It was easy to slip into a profound and prayerful state and I found myself praying deeply and with great passion. I prayed and prayed, curled up in the traditional fetal position with my forehead pressed to the grass covered floor. The heat and steam covered me like a blanket from the Great Mother. In spite of the fact that this was a completely new experience for me, I felt completely safe and protected. This was a surprise to me, as I had felt so uncomfortable just moments before. I felt I could really let go and open fully to allow the healing and purification to happen. I was able to expose the most hidden and protected spaces within myself. "Please Great Creator," I prayed, "Open my heart, my mind, my spirit, my soul. Remove the walls and cages I have created to protect myself from the injustices and pains of this world. Please Great Creator, I wish to be purified, healed and desire to fully commit myself to awaken to the pure and lighted path. Please Great Creator, give me the courage and perseverance to be a good servant for you." I prayed, sobbing deeply for myself and then again for humanity and the world. I just let everything out, no matter what it was. I wanted to be purged. Body, mind and soul was being cleared. In the corner of the Tuj was a beautiful Kiche Mayan woman named Maria who was being the caretaker of the Tuj. She was so clear and pure that at first I thought she was a child. She began working with me by gently beating my arms and legs and back with corn husks soaked in a tea made of rosemary, oak and eucalyptus. I felt so completely humbled and grateful, as my ego was stripped away layer by layer. The story of Christ asking John the Baptist to wash his feet, flooded into my mind. I realized then, how superior the collective consciousness of the white race feels�and there I was, deep in the highlands of Guatemala, lying in a fetal position in a primative Mayan Tuj, being beaten by corn husks by a little Mayan woman, who was in this moment a master to me. The gratefulness and the openness of my heart was tremendous. I was filled with love. After the steam cleared, my body and my mind and the prayers were complete. I emerged from the Tuj, head first. It was obvious that I had been is an altered and transformational state. It was like I was entering the world for the first time. Then I was asked to kneel near a big bucket and was scrubbed by two beautiful hearted Maya women. They scrubbed and scrubbed. Then they dumped buckets of hot tea made with eucalyptus, rosemary and oak. I felt so clean, not just on the outside but on the inside too. I never felt so safe and completely surrendered to an experience as in this moment. I wrapped myself in a towel and went out into the world. The sun was setting and the light played in the pine needles. The colors were clearer and my heart felt pure and filled with light. It was the most humble moment of my life. Once again I could feel the gentleness and innocence inside of me. It was an old familiar feeling of light I had long forgotten. As the Sun was setting, I continued to pray� "Please Great Creator hear my prayers for myself and humanity, for Earth and sky. Help us to break free. We want our freedom. We are ready for it. We want not only to remember, but to live the life that is our birthright as God beings. So be it� So it is. For the next 13 days our group was walked in several sacred alters and caves and the ceremonial centers of Copan and Tikal. The Mayan Tuj, set the tone of reverence and sacredness that remained with us throughout the entire 13 days. In the 12 years I have traveled in the Mayalands I have never felt the depth of reverence as in this first yet humble day at Momos. If this had been the only experience of the entire 13 day initiation, it would have been worth the journey�. but spirit had more to share in the days to come. Part two of Initiations into the Mysteries of the Kiche Maya of Momostenango - Spring Equinox Celebrations click hereAluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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