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Star Elder Sessions Articles / Messages / Activations ~ Aluna's Book Shelf ~ Our Newsletter About Aluna Joy ~ About the Star Elders ~ Facebook ~ You Tube Heart Donations ~ Get in Touch ~ Home ![]() Aluna Joy Yaxkin September 1998 When I was a child my parents took me to church every Sunday. During the course of time, I was asked to memorize 100 bible verses. Even though at the time it felt it was meaningless, a few of these still stick out in my mind. One of these verses I feel is greatly overlooked is when Jesus says, "What I have done, you can do also, and Greater things." Hmm. . .That was shared with humanity about 2000 years ago, and here we are, still limited by fear, hate, envy, jealousy and greed. We still struggle with our health, worry about our bills and look outside ourselves for the answers to our awakening. Why have we limited ourselves for SO long? Do we like the struggle? Why have we settled for less than GREATNESS? According to this great and honored master, Everyone can heal the sick, raise the dead, manifest anything in the moment that we need it, walk on water, travel to any location in the world and galaxy, and ascend! So why haven't we manifested greatness and limitlessness in our lives? We have read all the right books, we eat the right food, meditate, go to classes and wait and wait and wait for the big event called awakening. We wait for the Great Spirit to give us all that we desire like spoiled yet powerless children. It is time to take charge of our reality. The process is really simple if you take it moment by moment. All we need to do is cast our vote in the great universal ballot box for what we wish to manifest in our life. We can choose from the realities of extremes - Armageddon and chaos or Heaven on Earth. It is our free will to do so. So raise your hand if you wish to vote for Heaven on Earth... OK... If your hand is up, say out loud with deep emotion... I command within in the I AM presence that I AM, that this current moment and all future life experiences are filled with joy, peace, grace, harmony, unity, compassion, truth, wisdom, integrity, abundance, and love. I command that the limiting thought forms that cage my spirit be removed once and for all! I command that I have full use of my entire consciousness and I Am a limitless multi- dimensional human being....So why didn't heaven and Earth shake and the sky open when we made this statement? Each day the Creator gives us an allotment of energy in which we create from. Every action, thought and deed, what we find ourselves attracted to, what we spend our time doing, sends a message or vote back to the Creator. We do not cast our vote with one grand statement and then go about the business of entertaining ourselves until the shift. Our vote to the Creator is made every moment, every breath, every thought we have! Moment by moment we choose and re-choose our reality. How we spend our energy in each and every moment becomes our vote! In the book, He Walked the Americas, indigenous peoples of the Americas share stories of Jesus travels in North, Central and South America. These stories reveal that Jesus spent time in Native American, Maya and Inca temples to anchor the truth about awakening the consciousness. He understood that all of humanity could become fully conscious human beings in the correct time and space. He merged the wisdom of awakening the consciousness (what we call Christ Consciousness) with the great knowledge of cosmic time and the workings of the universe. He also understood some cycles are more conducive for awakening than others. Are You Ready To Catch The Solar Wave? During the next six months a window of opportunity for Great Awakening is marked by cosmic time, what we call Mayan calendars. From Equinox (11 CIMI - 9/21/98) to Equinox (10 MANIK - 3/21/99), humanity has the awesome opportunity to cast its vote for the reality it would like to experience in the coming age. On Equinox Sunrise, 9/21/98, we begin a new year for the Southern Hemisphere that will open a double doorway between the worlds. We will enter a time that the old will dissolve and choices for a new reality will emerge. These next six months are crucial for us to choose our reality and walk in impeccability and integrity within our truth. We have six months to change our course and our future reality if we chose to. When we enter the Maya year of 10 MANIK on 3/21/1999, we will begin the action of anchoring our votes in manifested form. Along with these powerful Equinoxes, there is another even more powerful cycle converging on this time. We are entering an 11-year solar cycle that creates HUGE WAVES of awakening for Humanity. Do you remember what was happening in your life 11 years ago? Do you remember the big rush of awakening we call the Harmonic Convergence? The air was crackling with excitement and anticipation for an emerging new world. So much was happening on Mother Earth and every life was affected, transformed and challenged. This powerful transformative time was activated with the activity in and around the SUN! The great is that, according to Solar experts, we are heading into this cycle once again, but at a higher vibrational level than 11 years ago. See the Solar Chart provided with this article. We are already seeing this is the media. Father Sun is appearing on the front pages with of Solar flares knocking out satellites and Solar tornadoes.... Humanity is looking toward the Sun, but unfortunately in a negative way. Indigenous cultures around the Earth understand our awesome and intimate connection with the SUN. And now Science is proving it. We are beginning to understand that we affect the Sun and the Sun affects us. We have discovered that global meditation can reduce the solar flares on the SUN! The opposite is also true. War and other atrocities can increase the solar flares and activity. Also, if the Sun is emitting a lot of solar flares, humanity demonstrates a wide range of negative actions, everything from being grumpy to the outbreak of war! When the Sun is calm, so are we. We can use the combined energies of these powerful Equinoxes and the 11- year Solar wave cycle to cast our votes for a new reality of our own making. It is time to realize we can not sit back and wait for it to happen to us. Spirit helps those who help themselves. Walk in impeccability and integrity and chose carefully what you get involved in and what attacks your attention. Remember, we cast our votes with the integration of the heart and mind and by our thoughts and actions. In every moment we have a choice between the material and spiritual worlds. I can not choose for you. I challenge you to listen to the masters words seriously, "What I have done, you can do also, and Greater things." Choose Greatness with every action, thought and deed. Choose Heaven on Earth for yourself and humanity!
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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