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Most people have had dimensional doorway experiences without knowing it. The doorways in nature are the most common. We have found a doorway when hiking and feel a subtle shift. You do not have to be particularly sensitive to feel these doorways either. Sometimes we feel shifts while walking between trees or between big rocks. We all have our special places in nature where we feel whole, at peace and can think clearly. There are doorways in cities too, even though they are hidden with asphalt and steel. Have you ever had the experience of feeling you just walked though something but there was nothing on the sidewalk with you? This is a type of doorway also! There is a doorway just in front of you all the time. There are doorways atop mountains, inside lakes and even when you look at the Sun, Moon and stars. The most obvious and easy to access are doorways linked to sacred sites around the world. Sometimes in sacred sites we go though the doorways and don't even realize it until we come back to this reality. This explains the otherworldly feeling we have in sacred sites and the great shift we experience in our lives after a journey. In the Peruvian Andes, there are dimensional doorways to the crystal cities 4th dimensional cities) that are inhabited with 4th dimensional beings we call masters and/or members of the Great White Council of Light. Machupicchu, Tambomachay, Moray, and the Sacred Valley of the Inca, and the dimensional doorway of Lord Amaru Meru near Lake Titicaca are a few in the Andes. In the Maya lands there are uncountable doorways that are marked very clearly with huge pyramids. My favorites are Palenque, Tulum, Tikal, Labna, Kabah, Uxmal, Quirigua and Copan. Once we sense the doorways or have had an experience of going through them, the experience will change our lives forever. Once you know how the doorways feel, you can access these doorways anytime and anywhere. So many times in my travels to the Mayalands, I have had to calm a group member because they had climbed a pyramid and were terrified. They were not alarmed of the height, but terrified they would jump off the pyramid. They feel pulled to jump off the side of the pyramid. This is because there are doorways just off the sides of many pyramids all over the Mayalands and the same off certain cliffs at Machupicchu. The doorway is created is such a way that you have to remove all fear to enter it. Stepping off a cliff is a tough one because you also have to be at the right vibration to go thought the door and not crash to the jungle floor. Inca Cosmology supports the knowledge of dimensional doorways. On my first visit to The Island of the Moon in Lake Titicaca, I had an awesome experience of entering the crystal city and meeting 4 Lemurian healers. It was triggered by Inca Spiritual Messenger Willaru Huayta who said, �The key to entering the crystal cities is to open your own Heart Temple.� Willaru had said this many times on our trip, but on this day, the truth of it really sank in. I sat on the edge of the Lake, full of gratefulness, love and excitement. I cracked open the door to the crystal city without much effort. The experience was awesome and beautiful, as I met the Lemurian healers and they worked on opening my heart further. The experience only lasted a few moments. When I finally realized where I was, a slight touch of fear welded up inside me because the experience was SO REAL.... I mean it was REAL. Much to my disappointment, that little bit of fear closed the door. On our second trip to Peru we visited the Amaru Meru Dimensional Doorway. On this trip most of our group members had a tremendous experience. During our work there we could feel the presence of the Brother/Sisterhood of the 7 Rays. Sometimes when we begin to enter a dimensional doorway the weather will act up. On this day, while we were working on the doorway, the weather suddenly moved in and lighting flashed, thunder roared, and it hailed until everything turned white! We all knew that we got very close to entering the 4th dimensional city this time. Just seeing the doorway and experiencing the frequencies so close to us was quite a life changing experience. This past July during the Universal Lightworkers Conference in Tacoma Washington, I met a man named James Twyman. I knew very little of him, only that he encouraged and organized worldwide meditations and prayers. From this fact alone I knew I would like him. His presence impressed me, as he had an ease and humble peace about him. So I decided to read his book Emissaries of Light. It is a powerful story about his adventures in Bosnia with the Emissaries. BUT... it was the last chapter that really got me. Here he described the process of entering dimensional doorways. It was the same process that I had been doing most of my life! Finally I had confirmation to my multi-dimensional experiences from a best selling book. During my numerous visits to sacred sites, I learned a process to help crack the doors open. I call this process �Giving Yourself Away�. I know for some, this may be a wild idea, but once you have had even a small experience of a doorway, you will not be thinking the same way as you are now. It is not as outrageous as one might think. It is perfectly natural! We use to do this all the time. Here is a meditation/focus/prayer you can do to begin the process of moving into the next dimension. Since there is a doorway right in front of you all the time, you can do this meditation anywhere. I find it helpful to place a picture of a sacred site that I am drawn to in front of me. So you could choose a photo of a site that calls to you. If you do not use a photograph to focus on, allow you eyes to soft focus about 8 - 10 feet in front of you. Let your eyes relax and go blurry. This is called shamanic visioning. Allow your perspective to shift as if you were watching pond ripples. Face in the direction that feels right for you. You may need to turn your body to a different direction. I like facing north, but it may be different for you and the direction my be different in various locations. Hold strong attention on either the photo or the empty space in front of you. Tune out the world around you. Enter your own little world. Settle in and allow yourself to feel otherworldly energy coming toward you. If you can't feel it, image this energy at first as this encourages you to connect to the energy that is already there. Allow your deeply felt emotions of love, gratitude for life and the Creator, and your great desire to connect with your 4th dimensional family to grow inside your heart. Allow these feelings to well up in your heart until you feel that you could burst. Sometimes I use heart opening, uplifting music to help my feelings of gratitude to grow inside me. Sometimes I sing along with the music. Sometimes I cry tears of joy. Other times I am filled with profound peace. Use anything you need to get the good vibes going inside yourself. Don't try to see the doorway with your eyes. See the doorway with your heart, emotions and intuition. You will begin to feel a doorway in front of you. Put your focus on the doorway. The more focus you give the doorway the more energy you will get back from it. Soon you will feel yourself being pulled toward the doorway as if a big rubber band was attached to the next dimension. The energy of love and bliss will expand inside you. This is the way were are intended to feel all the time! Allow your body to feel heavy and relaxed. Slow your breathing and allow the energy to begin to pull you. Pour your Heart outward into the doorway and simply give yourself away. You will feel the energy from your heart disappearing into a void in front of you. If the energy is going beyond the focus point you are holding, you need to focus harder and let all outside distractions go. Sometimes I'll pray, �I give myself to you.� �I do not belong to me anymore. I am in service to humanity�. I make dedications and send thanks, etc. Soon your current reality will fade and your short term memory will fade also. Soon all of your 3D realty will disappear and you'll be in the next world not remembering traveling there. Do not let this frighten you, as you'll be snapped back immediately. You won't like coming back so soon, I can promise you. Remember, surrender and trust and the complete absence of fear are absolutely required. LOVE and a grateful heart are essential. These requirements to enter actually safeguard these other worlds from negative interjection. No negative energy can pass through. If you have fear or doubt, you will not make it though the door. Remember, DESIRE and an OPEN HEART are the keys to entering the 4th dimension. How much you desire and how clear our hearts will determine how quickly we will enter these new worlds. It is time for many of us to begin to move back and forth from these realties. When we do this, we will experience a highly refined energy that will alter our and quicken our spiritual evolution. When we return, we will bring some of the 4th dimensional frequency with us. This energy will affect everyone around us in a positive way. Sometimes we do not want to come back and that is up to each one of us. But there is a lot of work to do here to help humanity. When we do this work, we become bridges between the worlds, tying the realities back together again. We also become door openers and will hold the doors open for others to pass through. We will be the way showers to the next world. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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