Responsible Ascension
Aluna Joy Yaxkin July 1997
Okay folks... raise you hands if you are noticing the following phenomenon... life appears to be accelerated to double speed, or you feel an experience of no time at all, intense changes and challenges, creative energy increasingly linked with the intense urge to bi-locate so you can manifest all this creative energy, increased unity-consciousness with like-minded souls and a deeper sense of oneness versus conflict and duality linked with a greater separation between light and the dark, body issues like weird illness that are not illness, unusual backaches and body aches, kidney pain, shoulder tightness and headaches, even fingernails and hair growing faster. Well how many raised up their hands?
There is a quickening excitement in the air these days. We are feeling challenged and exhilarated all at once. It is becoming obvious to even the average person on the street that something is afoot. The signs of change are all around us. By now I know we are beginning to understand the great shifts we have encountered over the past Spring Equinox. Many went through some major healing crises and many others decided not the finish the journey at all. With a deep dedication to Mother Earth and Father Sky, humanity is getting tuned up for the big celebration. Together we are about to manifest what we have been dreaming of!
Since the Spring Equinox, March 21, 1997, the Mayan year of 8 Caban, a lot has been happening that is affecting humanity and the Earth. This Spring Equinox was packed with powerful evolutionary influences like... entering a new Mayan year at the time of a Mayan Elder conference, a near full lunar eclipse on March 23, 1997, preceded by Hale-Bopp making its fly by of Mother Earth, showering us with celestial energy that changed the course of our evolution.... but how? Are we noticing the changes? Are we making conscious choices or are we just hanging on for the ride? How did Hale-Bopp's fly by and the giant solar flares that hit Earth the first week of April change our lives? The answers are all around. After only three months since the Spring Equinox and all its powerful influences, we have entered the north season of the Mayan Haab Year 8 Caban. Now we can begin to understand what has transpired with increased clarity and knowingness.
Mayan tradition understands that everything that happens in the cosmos affects humanity's evolution and Mother Earth. In these days, "As above so below", should also include "As without so within". If you have ever watched the Cosmos video series by Carl Sagan you understand that even science knows that the stars, comets, eclipses effect our lives and evolve life on Earth. We are made of star/earth dust. Our spirit got a workout this past year of 7 Eb. In the year of 8 Caban the part of us that is from the earth, is catching up and going galactic!
Many awesome signs and shifts in the Mayalands this year points to the fact that we are in the shift. At the sacred site of Uxmal the stories of people disappearing inside the Temple of the Magician have increased. There have been reports that at this temple people have climbed up the steps and have just disappeared into the next dimension. I have observed huge changes in the sacred site of Palenque, home of the cosmic messenger archeologists took upon themselves to name Pacal Votan. At Palenque the energy has heightened and now a massive crystal/etheric city is hovering above its stony ruins awaiting to descend at the right moment on the great cosmic clock. The etheric city was not there 2 years ago. The township of Palenque is reflecting the opposite polarity of this amazing sacred site by evolving from a quite little town to a small city that one wants to get out of as soon as possible. In the sacred site of Ake' (a kay) doorways to the future are being watched and guarded by an angelic presence of ancient star beings. This doorway is nearly open. In the Peruvian Andes at the sites of Tambomachay, Machupicchu and the dimensional doorway of Amaru Muru near lake Titicaca, our Lemurian family and the Ascended Masters are calling us to join them in the new dimension. The question is, "Are we ready"? Are we going to be responsible for our actions in these new dimensions?
I began to ask myself this question when a strong memory returned to me the first day I arrived in Mexico. It was March 18, 1997. I was clearing and preparing for the Equinox in the crystalline blue waters off the Tulum coast. I had been contemplating the information about the dimensions I had been learning from Inca Spiritual Messenger, Willaru Huayta. The memory became crystal clear. I remembered how the conquistadors came to arrive in the Americas.
To explain my memory, I need to fill you in on a little background information about dimensions. The lower the dimension one is in, the more natural laws are present to govern life automatically. The higher the dimension, the less natural automatic laws exists. When you a responsible for your creation/actions and understand a deeper sense of cosmic truth, you are allowed to rise above the dimension you are presently to the next higher dimension. If you are not responsible for yourself, it would be dangerous for you to be in a higher dimension because you may damage yourself and others. Thus the Great spirit protects us with natural automatic laws. This is a great universal love. Until we are ready we will not move ahead. (see dimension diagram taught by Inca Spiritual Messenger, Willaru Huayta)
In rare time breaches, there are small doorways between the dimensions during unusual celestial alignments where many are allowed to cross over to the next dimension without the usual amount of required spiritual growth. In these rare cases those who crossed over brought with them the elements and frequencies of the lower dimensions. These beings had acquired spiritual knowledge without applying the heart frequency to the wisdom. In my memory, I saw Cortez, Columbus, Montego, Pizzaro... and the others consciously making the crossing of not only a huge ocean but between dimensions with all their ego and lust for power and wealth, compounded with the lower vibratory laws of the lower dimensions. When they came into this higher dimension, they brought the frequency of the next dimension down with them. They began to impose their lower natures upon the higher laws of nature that existed in the Americas at the time.
The question here is, were conquistadors entering this dimension with the sole purpose to destroy and conquer... or... maybe there was a deeper divine reason for the invasion of a peaceful land. Is it possible that the conquistadors arrived in this dimension because they were ready to take the next step in their evolution? Did they enter this dimension as babes without compassion, humbleness and a willingness to learn the ropes in the New World? If this is the case, then the conquistadors have taught us a great and invaluable lesson. When one enters a new world, and new dimensions, we must go with respect, honor, humbleness, and a willingness to learn without imposing our lower dimensional laws upon a new and wondrous world. When I remembered this, I felt a deep exigency to ascend with absolute responsibility. If humanity enters the New World without balance of mind and heart filled with spiritual and cosmic wisdom, with inflated negative ego intact, could we become the conquistadors of the New World? This is a ghastly question to ask ourselves. Is the horror of the conquest teaching humanity to be responsible and humble when entering a higher world?
In the final hours of humanities participation in this dimension, as the human race approaches the edge of the New World, the colossal message for our harmonious ascension is to enter humbly and without ego. Walk into the New World knowing the rules have changed, and are filled with beings that deserve our respect and honor. I hope when we do make the shift it will not take us 500 years to begin to appreciate the wisdom and truth of the original races of the New World.
Inter-dimensional independence day... Of all 31 days in the Gregorian month of July, one day positions itself as the day to watch. On July 4, Independence Day, a New Moon, the Sun, Hale-Bopp, Sirius A and Sirius B will line up in the cosmos. The New Moon represents a new start, a time of new beginnings and new directions. The Sun is who were are, and our place in the grand scheme of things. It is obvious that the message of Hale-Bopp is about separating the wheat from the chaff, and unity consciousness and a greater sense of oneness for those who choose it. The Mayan sacred day is 9 IK. 9 is about solar forces and empowerment and represents a dimensional shift. IK represents the winds of change and in combination with the number 9 it represents the empowered wind of dimensional change. 9 IK is also a Galactic Activation Portal Day, which makes it easier to access multi-dimensionality as one less veil is present. I find it funny that all this is happens on the USA holiday called Independence day. Independence from what.... the limitations of this dimension?. If it is true and this day is one of those dimensional doorways where it is possible to take a journey to a new world... remember, be humble and responsible! It is up to us. It always has been!
The fulfillment of the independence day energies manifest on the Gregorian day of July 19. This day is 11 Caban and represent the falling away of old patterns related to Mother Earth that are not working anymore. Caban is an East day and also represents an Earth initiation. 11 Caban is the first day of a Mayan month of Xul. Xul represents the end of an intention, yet is also a place to begin a new purpose. The fullness of 11 Caban will be accelerated during a full moon. It is a day for initiation and realization. Take time to be with Mother Earth and pray for the realization of humanity and Mother Earth in to the new world. What began with the alignment of the Moon, Sun Hale-Bopp and Sirius A & B will come into fruition today!
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website:
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