Expanded Notes and Research on the San Bartolo Murals
TIKAL, Guatemala - Equinox 2006

The following notes were taken during our Mundo Maya Unplugged 2006 pilgrimage to Tikal, Guatemala. They were taken during an evening brain/heart storming session. The notes and opinions of various group members are included here to allow you to draw your own conclusions and opinions about what the murals of San Bartolo tell us about the emerging Fifth World.

**If you feel drawn to these murals, and to the emerging Fifth World, please send us your notes, thoughts, ideas and inspirations about what these murals might mean to you, to us, and to everyone. We will do our best to get them all posted here on this site. Please keep ideas short and to the point.

First World:
1. In the drawing, above the words "Fish Sacrifice", there is a fish sitting on top of 3 staffs. Separating the fish and the staffs is a round "buckle". This buckle looks like the Buckle of Isis which was used by priests for protection. The three staffs could represent the upper, middle and lower worlds . . . or body, mind and Spirit. The Maya definition for 3 is SPIRIT. Were they sacrificing spirit?
2. The "Fish Sacrifice" symbolizes Water.
3. In the trunk of the first tree, there is a glyph in the shape of a "U".

Second World:
4. Above the words "Second World", the observation was made that the person is carrying a deer on his back.
5. Next comes the deer sacrifice.
6. The deer symbolizes Earth.
7. In the second tree, the glyph shown on the trunk of the tree has changed from the first tree so that the "U" symbol is now turned sideways with dots on each side.
8. Above and slightly to the left of the man, above the words "Third God", there are glyphs. This could be the end dates to the Second World. It was also suggested that these are DNA codes being downloaded into the new emerging Third World. It was also suggested that these DNA codes are being downloaded into the Second World as a result of the second world having reached a "critical point" similar to "critical mass".

Third World:
9. Just behind the man, who is above the words "Third God", there are birds accompanying him. NOTE: Is it possible that these birds have been killed and are attached to the man's belt, similar to the Second World where the deer is on the man's back? Perhaps in the First World, that above the words "First God", there is a fish just slightly behind the man, just as there is a deer accompanying the man in the Second World.
10. Then there is a "Turkey (bird) Sacrifice".
11. The birds symbolize Air.
12. One of our group said that he saw how the tree looked. It looked like the size of the Fourth Tree but straight. In the attached pages is a sketched drawing of the Third Tree that he drew.

Fourth World:
13. Water, Earth & Air are used to create the Fourth World.
14. The "Fragrant Blossoms" are actually Fire. The Fourth World encompasses the 4th element of Fire.
15. The Fourth Tree shows an intertwining trunk rather than being straight as seen in the previous worlds.
16. The Fourth Tree symbolizes the male/female of man intertwined.
17. The Fourth Tree symbolizes Duality.
18. The Fourth Tree symbolizes DNA.
19. In the Fourth Tree, there is a bird grasping onto 2 eggs. The eggs represent the potential of evolving consciousness.
20. In the Fourth Tree, this large bird has talons and is holding onto the 2 eggs. Is it possible that the eagle is the United States?; and if the eggs represent evolving consciousness, could this represent the U.S. attempting to control people's evolving consciousness?
21. In the Fourth Tree, there is a bird with talons (possibly an eagle). This eagle is about to take flight and take the "fruits" of the tree (the eggs) off into the world.
22. The eagle could represent Freedom.
23. In the Fourth World pictures, to the right of the Fourth Tree, is a drawing of what looks like a kachina doll dancing. Just above and to the right of this figure are more DNA codes being introduced into the emerging Fifth World . . . or these symbols could be end dates to the Fourth world! Something we would all like to know about, since this is the world where we live now.
24. Just above and to the right of the glyphs is a large glyph. This glyph (IK) is our Tikal 2006 Group Collective Signature in two Maya Calendar Counts. This is an artist signature to the art work . . . that our group feels is a past connection too. "IK" represents CHANGE . . . and the ability to change and communicate from Spirit.
25. To the right of this group glyph are birds. These birds look like they are holding worms in their beaks. This symbolizes eating the energy from the stars.
26. These birds, which symbolize AIR, could also be speaking.
27. Above the words "Maize God" is the top portion of a drawing. The spirals shown here indicate a different frequency of energy (probably more intense due to the size shown here versus those in the previous worlds).
47. The trees in the prior 4 worlds were weighted down. The Fifth World tree is not nearly as weighted down (having been released of false gods and ideals).

Fifth World:
28. The drawing above the words "Maize God Crowning Himself as Ruler" may symbolize man's ego.
29. The stage between the words "Maize God Crowning Himself as Ruler" and the words "Infant Maize God" may be the stage where the ego has to die and the new infant emerges.
30. Observation: The people shown in the drawing above the words "Turtle-shaped Earth" are now multi-colored (multi-racial), where in prior worlds they were primarily one color.
31. The group of people shown are the representatives of the 4 prior worlds and the 4 races working together.
32. The group of people shown is the Council being guided by the stars.
33. It looks like there is an enclosure surrounding the 3 people. If there are only 3 people in this group, it could be the trinity (mind, body and spirit) working as one. A creative cocoon in which to transform the world to the next higher world. This drawing could also symbolize a council of Elders ( Star Elders - Invisible council) conversing on how to manifest the next world. We think this is the stage where the world is at in our evolution. Thus explaining lack of outer guidance and the overwhelming diversity of options in front of us.

Fifth World: (cont)
34. Above the words "Dying Maize God", there is what looks like a snake in the drawing which is wrapping around 2 symbols. These symbols look something like the symbol that represents the soul of twins, but are slightly different. These symbols could represent male and female or positive and negative. The "Dying Maize God" may also suggest that we must die to our old ways before we can create and manifest a new world.
35. Above the word "Attendant", is a man. Just behind this man is a flower. This is the Flower of Life and represents Ascension. Ascension is at our heals!
36. The man (Attendant) is shown as if he is bringing a gift. This could symbolize the gift of memory, knowledge and wisdom from all 4 prior worlds into our higher self.
37. There is a circle in front of the "Attendant's" nose (which looks somewhat like a nose ring). This circle could represent sacred sound or sacred breath.
38. The "nose ring" of the king is now white. In prior worlds, it was red.
39. Just to the right of the "Attendant's" knee are more "DNA" symbols which represent full DNA activation. This could also be our ascension date!
40. It looks like the "Attendant" is about to crown a king/queen. The crown could symbolize awakening.
41. Above the words "King is Crowned" is a person sitting on an elevated thrown. Just to the left of this person's face are 2 circles with red dots in the center. This is a Pleiadian symbol.
42. The person ("King/Queen") sitting on the raised thrown looks androgynous (male and female).
43. The thrown that the "King/Queen" is sitting on has 6 circle symbols. These symbols are the LAMAT known to the Maya as the Venus star. Others felt that these symbols might also be the Star of Sirius.
44. All 4 prior worlds are shown on the same level/plane. When the "King/Queen" is crowned into the fifth world, he/she is sitting on an elevated thrown which could symbolize the shift in the world as we know it, where our consciousness is raised.
45. Behind the "King/Queen" is a drawing showing what looks like a jaguar climbing up a tree. The jaguar symbolizes the night world. This would symbolize being able to see in the dark. The World of Illusion ends. Power is restored to the collective instead of being controlled by a few.
46. The jaguar could also symbolize the higher (collective) consciousness.

Other Thoughts:
After I connect with the paintings I believe that these are all aspect of one person/soul, the four gods, the maize god, the infant maize god, the attendant, the King. This soul goes through the lessons of dualities with help of the elements, water, earth,air and fire. What draw my attention in some of these parts of the murals was that in the top of the trees, there is a bird, every time the same birth for me that is the eagle. The eagle is a symbol of Higher spiritual consciousness, psychic and physical power and also freedom and spiritual insight. In the fourth tree the eagle stand in perfect balance on two balls/eggs on a tree that carries fruit, that also has the DNA sign. This tree symbolize duality in his highest form, when opposite work together you have balance/ harmony, unity. That's why this tree carries fruit. Next to the fourth tree I see this figure on the right of which the body is connect with the ground and the head is in the air. This was the thing that attracks me the most that evening when we study these murals and I still see it as I wrote above. Also duality , the head ( crown chakra) where we connect with the cosmos, symbolize the Spirit ,on this head were feathers of the eagle (freedom). The body that is connect with the ground symbolize the physical/ material world. There are also three birds singing to this head with the feathers. The next thing is the maize god crowning himself as ruler, but then there is the infant maize god and for me that is the higherself beginning to enter the life of this ruler, and we see the " maize god growing /higherself" accompanied by other gods. And when the higherself is in full charge the Maize god/ego has to die. In the picture of the dying maize-god there is also a snake the symbol of change or rebirth. This dying is not literal.The ego has to die he is not the ruler anymore but become the perfect channel for his Higherself . The ego becomes the attendant and crown his own SELF KING, that what he always was. we become the eagle, we are free, yet we are living in a physical body but free of the lessons of duality, we have exceed them. The third dimension has no grip on us anymore.We become god-human. In the bible Jeshua (Jesus) said that the Kingdom of god is in us, in our heart.Y our heart chakra is the innersanctum, the holy of holies there we meet GOD or your SELF.

While studying the 4th World on the internet, the many red patterns of spiral energy were brought to my attention; then I noticed the one on the top right of the 4th Tree looks like a dragon to me. I strongly relate to this from my Cherokee background. My understanding is that the great dragons used to protect Turtle Island, but have disappeared from our awareness during this world of duality and declining consciousness. Dhyani Ywahoo, of the Cherokees, says: "The dragons were energy moving in the wave pattern of Earth's energy. They used to follow the will of the great medicine people who, with certain crystals, would call them to turn aside dangerous activity and thus protect the people. The medicine people became too few to give them proper guidance, and the dragons became weaker and weaker; many were tied into the mountains, and the intelligent ones vibrated themselves into another dimension. The last dragon was seen in the Smoky Mountains in the 1700s. "Basically, the dragon is the unconscious of all nations, the untamed energies of anger and fear, waiting to be called into the light of clear thought. Until people awaken to their own minds, the dragon appears to be dangerous; when emotions are tamed, the dragon becomes a winged angelic being." I see the dragon in the top of the tree of 4th World, waiting to be called again by those who are awakening now, ready to enter 5th World... Also, the spiral energy under "27" looks like the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman to me ... And the one to the left of the "Dying Maize God" (prior to entering 5th World) looks like Ganesha (the "Remover of Obstacles") ... We are receiving help and support on all levels!

- The Keys of Enoch says: "Consciousness is in the blood". This might be a deepr meaning in the blood bursting forth from the God's penis at the birth of each world.

- The first world symbolizes the mineral world. The second world symbolizes the plant world. The third world symbolizes the animal world. The fourth world symbolizes the human world. The fifth world symbolizes all of the previous 4 worlds working together in harmony.

- The first world symbolizes the mineral world. The second world symbolizes the plant world working with the mineral world. The third world symbolizes the animal world working with the plant and mineral world; and the fourth world symbolizes the human world working with the plant, mineral and animal worlds.

- There seems to be a pattern showing that man has killed (or conquered) the element of each world (e.g. in the Second World, man walks with the deer on his back), and then a sacrifice is made, and then the tree of that world is in full bloom. The thoughts and symbology behind this could be similar to what is portrayed at Bonampak. In summary, in order to ascend, the sequence of events that usually takes place is that one has to fight, conquer (harness) and kill ones ego.

- When we connect with the energy of the creator of this painting we are connected with our own higher selves. The Soul that created these paintings was guided by his higher self. There is only one higher self, and we (humans) are all part of that Higher Self. That is why we came in contact with the creator of this painting, our own Higher self. The story that this mural is telling is that we are on our way back home. It is not the crowning of a king outside us; we will crown ourselves King. We are all co-creators next to God. We are witnessing our journey on this painting. That is why these painting are uncovered at this time, since we are about to enter into the fifth dimension or the fifth world. I think that is why our Higher Self gives us this message now . . . Do not forget San Bartolo! It is your our story. Do not forget that we are Light Beings, "Spirits" pretending that we are humans. Experience the lessons of "Duality" on this beautiful planet Earth.

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012

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Some of your responses which are beginning to come in . . .

While studying the 4th World on the internet, the many red patterns of spiral energy were brought to my attention; then I noticed the one on the top right of the 4th Tree looks like a dragon to me. I strongly relate to this from my Cherokee background ... then when your respondent, Maria, from the Quero Apache mentioned the dragon energy, I got more excited! My understanding is that the great dragons used to protect Turtle Island, but have disappeared from our awareness during this world of duality and declining consciousness. Dhyani Ywahoo, of the Cherokees, says: "The dragons were energy moving in the wave pattern of Earth's energy. They used to follow the will of the great medicine people who, with certain crystals, would call them to turn aside dangerous activity and thus protect the people. The medicine people became too few to give them proper guidance, and the dragons became weaker and weaker; many were tied into the mountains, and the intelligent ones vibrated themselves into another dimension. The last dragon was seen in the Smoky Mountains in the 1700s. "Basically, the dragon is the unconscious of all nations, the untamed energies of anger and fear, waiting to be called into the light of clear thought. Until people awaken to their own minds, the dragon appears to be dangerous; when emotions are tamed, the dragon becomes a winged angelic being." I see the dragon in the top of the tree of 4th World, waiting to be called again by those who are awakening now, ready to enter 5th World. ... Also, the spiral energy under "27" looks like the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman to me ... And the one to the left of the "Dying Maize God" (prior to entering 5th World) looks like Ganesha (the "Remover of Obstacles") ... We are receiving help and support on all levels! I wonder if we need to go to Quirigua too ... Hmmm .... Love & Blessings, Linda - a 2006 Tikal group member

Quirigua will be on next equinox (2007) Pilgrimage schedule!

Notice, I'm sure you have, the multiple # of 'space'/shape shifting ships. They are in the trees. The 'trees' are the 'platforms' which they sit upon. The symbology is no doubt profound. From the birds comes a trail of 'air' depicting the song they carry to the event. Messengers from multidimensional worlds. Some how I cannot accept that if this relief is showing the God-self of humanity, that at that level we would still be using sacrificial means of expressing, even as symbology. If truly expressing a movement in consciousness and spirituality to higher dimension, such would surely be shown in a much higher level of expression. Blessings, Christine & Teddy (Arf!)

*** Aluna responds.... THANK YOU... I will post your response for others to read. Remember these were created over 2000 years ago ... not at the level of consciousness we are at now 2000 years later. And if we have to die to old ways to move into new worlds ....how would you paint this into a mural that any one could understand 2000 years ago. Interesting thought isn't it. Did you read for first article? THE PROPHECY OF THE FIFTH WORLD Blessings ~ Aluna Joy