On March 21 2004 we being once again a yearly Mayan cycle where we have the opportunity to let go of the past and reinvent ourselves to fulfil the vision we hold inside. Ancient cultures around the world know and understand the value and importance of Equinox.
During the Equinox the SUN is equal distance between Northern and Southern hemispheres and at a mid point between Heaven and Earth. This position creates a sacred solar cross in the cosmos which emanates beautiful and harmonious energy that washes over the planet in a wave of light at sun rise. When we attune with this wave in a conscious way the power is accelerated. When we work with this energy in a groups it is multiplied a hundred fold, but if we work with the wave of the rising sun globally�. its power to heal, harmonize, illuminate and create peace is UNMEASURABLE.
Just as the ancients did, we to can understand the potential of this next year by referring to cycles of time and use them as a divination tool to peek into the coming year. What works for me is to using 2 such cycles and blending them together to see a fuller picture than by using one cycle alone. I use the Yucatec calendar that uses Yucatan based glyphs and numbers. I also use the Kiche calendar based in the highlands of Guatemala. This count is still used today by the highland Maya. It was from these Maya that I learned some invaluable information about this calendar. Below I will go into perceptions of what I see this year can hold for us as individuals, and as a mass consciousness, by using these 2 calendars.

March 21 2004 is 5 AKABAL for the KICHE MAYA
AKABAL (ak a bal) is a place of great mystery. It is represented by a hidden temple in an over grown jungle. This temple has a dark mystical interior filled with all things hidden, good and bad, positive and negative etc. Akabal is a holder/keeper of truth and has a strong virtue, which suggest that truth shall emerge from the darkness all year long. This could be good or bad to you, depending if you have been living in integrity or not. AKABAL gives us no choice but to reach inside the darkness and excavate all hidden, covert and secret truths from the darkness. This could manifest as the uncovering of lies and deceits or the re-awakening of great spiritual truths.
I predict we will see all those who have lived dishonesty and self serving, will have to face their demons. All the skeletons will be pulled out of the closet. If we are out of balance with the truth, honesty and integrity of Akabal life can be full of storms and will have many obstacles to overcome. We may want to escape and to protect our privacy, but the closet doors are swinging opening and we will find that all our private secrets will come out. It is time to face the music and get real and get real honest with ourselves and others. This will not be good for world governments, religions, medical institutions and even educational organizations that have been less than honest with us. Any deception created to control others or to gain power over others, is at risk of being brought out in to the light for all to see this year.
Akabal is also considered the birth of a new day and a awakening with many great opportunities. Akabal is considered a young spirit as we have the opportunity we be born anew this year. Akabal is clarity, devotion, hope, and opportunity. I predict that those who have lived with integrity and devotion to truth will be honored and supported by this years energy. New wisdom will be brought forth that will benefit the masses. The hidden pieces inside that we have carried for eons and have not been able to access, will be brought forth. We will see the brilliant light of truth in all it�s glory. Akabal is very realistic and grounded so there will be a anchoring of higher spiritual truths. These truths will emerge out of the realms one might consider "out there" into more practical forms which can be accepted by the main stream.
Literature and the Arts will be supported this year along with all creative endeavors, so get out there and let out all those the grand possibilities. It is not a year to hold back the light, truth and creativity inside of you! It is a joyful year of good fortune and well protected from ones who might harm. We will have the ability to have good relationships if we are in harmony with the years energy. The family unit will have a higher priority than years past. When you put all this good though the power of the number 5, it is a power house year! The number 5 is a year that represents the elevation of creation. Did you get that �. ELEVATION! This number suggests we have great potential in the coming year to elevate ourselves, to rise above lower human natures, to clean out the closet and to be reborn into a higher expression of our selves.

March 21 2004 is 2 EB for the YUCATEC MAYA
EB symbolizes rebirth and regeneration. It is the dormant plant that looks dead, but yet springs back to life. EB is like pulling back the dead weeds to uncover the hidden life beneath. It is about uncovering truths that have long been hidden or buried like convoluted history, and occult spiritual truths.
In a year guided by EB we can expect to be continually strengthened by tests and challenges, even illnesses. These tests come when we are out of balance with Eb, but also help us to become stronger and wiser. One example is EB can trigger spiritual deaths or dark nights of the soul. This shamanic initiation helps to clear out old past karma and clears the way for new beginnings. It is not a easy journey, but once we emerge out the other sided, it is an entirely new purpose for life.
One issue we may face this year is the constant internal conflict between peace and anger. We desire a peaceful life so much that we allow anger to build up inside. Often repressed resentments and anger and other buried feelings will only come up at a latter time causing us to blow like a volcano, or to become ill. In a EB year we find ourselves concerned about evolving our emotions, so purging the emotional body of internalized resentments and anger can be a challenge, but a necessary one. Internal anxiety comes from attempting to intellectually figure it all out. Remember healing cannot be done with the mind, it is done with the heart.
Chronic physical heath problems may come to light in an Eb year. These tests can help us to find new and creative answers to healing. We may find ourselves studding healing techniques. When we heal ourselves we can begin to help heal the world! Remember the healing begins at home. You can�t help someone walk�. if you are still crawling yourself.
EB is selfless, generous and giving with no strings attached. Chivalry is a common response to situations needing help. With new and improved compassion we find we are more sensitive and may be easily hurt if we take things personally. With renewed sensitivity we also might find ourselves more intuitive or aware of the psychic energies around us. This sensitivity helps us to be more compassionate to each other as we can feel what the others are going though. We can also be self-sacrificing in order to gain attention and acceptance from others. We will resent this later so be true to your self. Remember to balance service with nurturing time. Be compassionate but not empathic. The first charges you up the latter wears you out.
The human need for relationship is extremely important this year, especially romantic ones. We will find that we will require social outlets and closer and deeper relationships than we have had in the past. We are coming out of the cave and back into the world. We recognize that we are not alone on the path. We discover that our purpose is empowered by joining others of like mind and focus. The waves of consciousness are getting to big to surf alone. It is time to work together.
We may find ourselves being quite creative while maintaining but modernizing ancient traditions. Eb is a pro at making any creation acceptable to mass consciousness as it can feel what the mass consciousness wants. Make sure you do not bend your truth to be accepted by others. It is a year of the gracious sensitive leader empowered by a strong ambition that can create new enlightened ideals. Don�t take for granted the victories you have over this year. Stop and smell the copal once in a while.
One might think that using two different Mayan calendar would be conflicting� but it is not! In fact over the years I have discovered these 2 calendars compliment each other. Now if I could manage all the other calendars - 20 in all. When we blend the energies of the New year in Yucatec and Kiche calendars we discover common intents. We also discover that where one calendar leaves off the other begins.
Eb is about rebirth. The number 5 in the Kiche count is about re-birth. Akabal is realistic and uncovers hidden wisdom, Eb is practical, and has a strong investigative streak. Both Eb and Akbal are about uncovering hidden covert things and both activate creativity in us. Akabal is about going into the hidden temple to gain wisdom and Eb is about bringing it out in to the world. Both Eb and Akabal test us by discovering and uncovering what we hide inside of us. The challenge is to let out the secrets and let it go.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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