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Star Elder Sessions Articles / Messages / Activations ~ Aluna's Book Shelf ~ Our Newsletter About Aluna Joy ~ About the Star Elders ~ Facebook ~ You Tube Heart Donations ~ Get in Touch ~ Home ![]() I have been hearing about prophesies of the end of the world since I was a little girl. I even had a few visions myself about these times when I was younger. The cryptic dates have come and gone and we are still here. So what gives here? Are these prophecies true or just entertainment for catastra-phobic people? I can think of a quite a few prophesies that came and went in a matter of moments. Y2K was a real biggie and was quite a disappointment to many. In all the excitement of anticipated mass chaos and martial law, a lot of people ran up their credit cards for survival goods thinking they would not have to pay those huge bills when all the bank computers crashed. Opps! But some good came out of that. The companies selling survival supplies made a lot of money and are now basking in the sun in Hawaii! The threat of Y2K was not scary enough for me to shift what I was doing. I had made a public statement about not letting fear run my life. So to prove the point I arranged a group of brave folks for a trip to the San Cristobal area of Mexico. Here in the Chiapas highlands not only did Y2K loom like a dark cloud but there were even rumors of a resurgence of the Zapatista war. It was a really exciting time. We had a priceless experience in San Juan Chamula with the Mayan people on Years eve. The church was covered floor to ceiling in white lilies. Uncountable white candles looked like a flickering carpet of flame on the tiled floor while the Maya were chanting in their native tongue. It was the deepest moment of the trip. When midnight came and we danced in the main square to a salsa band dressed in pink satin suits! Back home my house sitter was up on the roof waiting for the world to end. He had stored enough food for a year. I guess he thought I wasn�t coming home! A really tragic prophesy was that rumor about the space ship that was traveling behind Hale Bopp. 37 people took it to heart and took their lives trying to hitch a ride. Is being here on earth so bad that we would do any thing to get out of here? I was in Mexico atop a pyramid watching the comet blaze across the evening sky. I also recall a rumor about a huge part of Antarctica was going to break off and flood a good portion of the planet. I answered many calls from fear ridden people asking where was it safe to live. I had just moved and this added to peoples anxiety. Then there was that 5-5-2000 thing, a Aztec prophecy predicting huge cataclysms. I guess those Aztecs had their dates wrong. Anyway I was mediating in some sacred Indian ruins on the big day. I had a deeply profound experience. Even recently there was a prophecy about a new planet called "Planet-X". It was headed our way and was to produce devastating effects on Earth by May 15th 2003. Nothing happened in May, so the date was changed to June. I didn�t see it. Did you? Hum� Living in fear about negative predictions comes with a BIG price. The question is simple� Do we chose harmony and peace right now or fret about all the horrible possibilities in the future? What got me thinking about this was a another newly released prophecy. The prophecy came from a Mayan Elder named Don Jacinto Patsan of the 'Mam' tribe of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Don Jacinto felt it was important enough to share that between August 16th and December 15th 2003, there is a strong potential for natural disasters to occur on a "grand scale". No specific times or dates were given but that earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, and floods could be possible. This message of warning has many concerned, worried and fearful. It was the reaction to the prophecy that concerned me most, not the prophecy itself. So I decided to do a little research. Mayan spirituality revolves around Mayan calendars and cosmology. By understanding the various Mayan calendars, they are able to make predictions about the future. I dug out my traditional calendars - the one Mayas use in Huehuetenango, and began to study. I thought I might learn something about how to foresee prophecy, good or bad etc� by studding the Mayan dates. I began to look at the time between August 16th and December 15th 2003. (August 16th is 8 KAN and December 15th is 12 KAME) 8 KAN� The 8 is about complete energies of the material world. It means the work is behind us. We have climbed to the top of the pyramid. In that journey we came to know the energy of the material world. The day KAN is about the power of living fire running inside of us, but it is also about cosmic energy. It is a day to begin or develop something new. 12 KAME� The 12 is a very strong energy because it is a spiritual catalyst. KAME is about death and rebirth but also about our interactions between dimensions and the knowledge of the Elders. This could mean that we will foster a deep communion with other dimensions. In this time frame we would begin to develop something new in our material and spiritual lives. We can let go of - or let die off - those things that no longer serve us any more. We can become multi-dimensional and be aware in of the wisdom of the ancients in only 121 days. Of course we have to apply ourselves to get the full and positive impact, but still that sounds like a good deal to me! So I looked at 8 Batz days. 8 Batz are days (cycles every 260 days) which the Maya in the highlands celebrate the re-creation of the sacred calendar. Interestingly enough the next 8 Batz ceremonies are on 9/11/03 the anniversary date that the World Trade Center fell to terrorist attack. 8 Batz ceremonies specifically work toward harmonizing energy of the entire planet. In fact the horrific wounds created by terrorist attack can be healed by this powerful Mayan Ceremony. But still I didn�t see a need for worry. Winter Solstice (12/21/03) falls just after the prophecy dates and is historically a power house of energy. All cycles build energy until their culmination. As come to a close they literally force us to face all unfinished business. Some of you are saying Yeah?.. I feel this all the time! This is no surprise either as we are in the last 8 years of a HUGE cycle (104,000 years) that comes to a close on December 21, 2012. We all are feeling the pressure of this. I am sorry to say, no one is going to get though these times without facing the harsh repercussions of the energy we have misused. On a positive note� Don Jacinto also said this prophecy was not totally inflexible and it is very important to maintain peacefulness, balance and unity consciousness during these times. The elders also suggested that we light a white and red candle which would act as a connection to the Maya's "fire ceremony". The Elders said it is a time of great danger, but also great hope for humanity come together in unity to ease the transitions. The Maya Elders basically say it is up to us in what we want to create! As we step into our power as human beings with greater psychic and spiritual creative abilities it is important that we ask ourselves some questions. If we fear or worry about something does it make it happen? Did we simply see it coming, or did we actually create it by our intense fear? What is it that comes first, the worry or the disaster, the chicken or the egg? Does prophesy create what we want to avoid, or it is an opportunity to take charge and shift the energy to transform what we see? If we see something negative coming do we take charge and change it? I think prophecy has great potential if approach it in a positive way. We can initiate positive change in we just understand that we are in charge. So I had this wacky idea� What if we shared positive prophecy? Is this a way to get out of the pressure cooker we seem to be in? How about we start to spread some good prophecies, really outrageous bliss stories. I am getting bored with the negative predictions. How about we begin to spread some good to extinguish the bad ones. I don�t believe we should stick our heads in the sand and not face the facts about what we are doing to each other and to our plant� BUT� I also think if we worry, or go into fear, we are cooked � you know what I mean?� up the creek without a paddle. As we begin to enter into new territory as a human race, as we begin to take charge of our lives, we will see the rules of creation change all around us. We will begin to see that we do have control over our lives and our world. As we recognize and own our God-force inside of each and every one of us, we will also discover a new responsibility that comes with awakening. It is important to maintain a pure consciousness, cultivate purity of thought and lightness of heart. Know that all is well and act as if it is so! After all this is going to be a lot more fun than preparing for disaster. ~ Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com
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