The Sacred Center of Mt. Shasta
This is an awesome list of all the high frequency spots in the Mt Shasta area.
12 years of Mt Shasta experience facilitaed this list of sacred spaces to share with you!
Enjoy and have a GREAT ADVENTURE!
Mt. Shasta is a well known international spiritual center. As gateway to the slopes of Mount Shasta, it has attracted groups and individual spiritual travelers interested in spending time in quiet contemplation on the mountain. The town is home to numerous spiritual teachers, New Age entertainers, and alternative health practitioners.
While you are still in town...
Best of Mount Shasta Events
Mount Shasta Rising - is a non-profit collective, highlighting the work of Mt Shasta’s spiritual and ascension teachers, authors, artists and musicians. Visitors to Mt Shasta can join us for a broad spectrum of spiritual activities, such as full moon meditations, channeling groups, book signings and other author events, workshops and classes, art shows, and musical performances, and meet and learn from these advanced, experienced spiritual teachers.
Ascension Mastery International - (online store) AMI's sacred images from the Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, angel, ascended master, and native American traditions, the Archangels.. Michael, Gabriel. Ascended masters Babaji, St. Germain, Melchizedek, and Sanat Kumara. Religious pictures of Jesus and Mary. Buddhist deities such as the Buddha himself, the Dalai Lama, Quan Yin, Medicine Buddha, Avalokiteshvara, and White Tara. Hindu deities Krishna, Lakshmi, Shiva, Ganesha and Vishnu. These are only a few of the more than 150 images offered.
Sacred Spirit Ministery - Purusha Ananda and Sharon Callahan. Custom Retreats and regular meditations. Connecting with the Sacred Spirit in all life through meditation, music and reflection.
I Am Reading Room -– 619 South Mount Shasta Blvd. Mt. Shasta, California 96067 USA 1-530-926-2525
Summer pageant in August “I Am Come”
The "I AM" COME! Pageant has been presented annually since 1950 at the G. W. Ballard Amphitheater in Mount Shasta, California, USA. The Pageant was originally created, produced and directed by Mrs. Edna W. Ballard, who with her husband, Guy W. Ballard, established the Saint Germain Foundation. Mrs. Ballard's objective was to present a Pageant on the life of Beloved Jesus, focusing on His Miracles of Truth and Healing, and the example of the Ascension which He left to the world.
Shasta Vortex Adventures - Shasta Vortex Adventures offers daily Mount Shasta guided tours and integrative wellness. Come share the Mount Shasta magic with us! Sacred Site Treks, Guided Vision Quests, Hiking, Backcountry Ski & Snowshoe Tours,Scenic Vehicle Tours, Winter Awareness Clinic, Around the Mountain Driving Tour, Step-On Bus Guiding, Workshop & Retreat Guide Service, Shamanic Hypnotherapy, Therapeutic Massage, Soul Retrieval, Matrix Energetics,wellness products, locally made products & gifts.
Soul Connection - Soul Connections' mission is service to each soul walking the spiritual path. It is our goal to make available the necessary spiritual tools that can be instrumental in uplifting one's soul to higher levels of being. We are continually searching for one-of-a-kind, hand made, quality items from around the world that have the intent and design for just the right person.
The Crystal Room - 7 Rooms to Delight, Entice and Inspire! One of the finest galleries that holds the treasures of Mother Earth. Browse for crystals, art, jewelry, sculpture and much more! It is Crystal Bowl Heaven!
The Peace Lodge - An interfaith peace lodge is a prayer house. The peace lodge is a place of spiritual refuge for mental and physical healing, a place to get answers and guidance by asking spiritual guides, the Creator and Mother Earth for the wisdom and the power we need to travel our journey through life. When we enter the lodge we enter the "womb of the mother" and sit with the Creator himself to become one with all lives as we pray for peace and unity among all our relations. It is also in the "womb of the mother" that we come to cleanse, purify, clear old non-serving energy to be reborn out of the dark circle of the lodge into the light of the spiritual world.
Wellspring Health Realization Center and Retreats - Your body is a wellspring of health potential. If you’ve manifested dis-ease in your body, like cancer, it’s not a matter of killing the virus or abnormal cells; rehabilitating your body from disease is a matter of eliminating the toxins that feed it. The Wellspring Healing Retreat Home Programs are designed to help your body eliminate toxicity, while strengthening all of your individual systems, in the comfort of your own home.
Pyramid – Omaran and Antera - (by appt) If you are going to be in the area, be sure to schedule a private or group session inside the pyramid! We also offer vision quests, which are longer periods of uninterrupted time alone in the pyramid, for more spiritually-experienced people seeking serious transformation and divine guidance. During the quests, we provide preparation, and help with energetic support and physical needs.
The Gallery in Mount Shasta - The Gallery in Mount Shasta is the place to come for beautiful art featured in our collections: Mount Shasta images, Native American, Wildlife and Zen-inspired spiritual art.
Village Books
Sacred Mountain Spa - is conveniently located in downtown Mount Shasta near lodging, restaurants and shopping. We are one of Northern California's finest full-service day spas located in serene Siskiyou County. We offer a variety of massage therapy services as well as healing and relaxation treatments. We are committed to using all-natural organic products. The serene, nature-inspired environment enhances the spa experience; the ambiance evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility.
Shasta Yoga Center -
Berryvale Heath Food - Health food-grocery/deli/wi-fi/clothing
Mountain Song - (health food/grocery) Welcome to our new web site! Explore the site for up to the date health information, the latest news on natural products and accurate health tools to assess your lifestyle. Check back often to discover our store specials, events and
Mount Shasta Herb & Health - - 530-926-0633 - 108 Chestnut St. Specialize in High Quality herbs, Supplements,Tinctures, Arise and Shine Products, Ginseng and Unique gifts. Women's issues are one of our focuses; growing from young women into menopause to the elder woman. We have a special emphasis on beauty from the inside out, use of massage oils, meditation, questing, and movement. Our family owned and operated business is here to assist you on a transition to your dreams and visions.

Before you Ascend Mt. Shasta...
Local hiking trails this is a great link to many favorites places!
Headwaters of the Sacramento River
The Mt. Shasta City Park is the site for the headwaters of California's Sacramento River. Even in the driest years, waters from this plentiful spring gush endlessly from a mossy rock face. The water is pure and safe to drink right out of the spring. The park is often busy with children playing and families picnicking, but the area around the headwaters spring retains an almost cathedral-like peace. Walk along the creek and follow footpaths that meander across small bridges through hedges of horsetail fern and fragrant willow.
Elsa Rupp Nature Trail
The Elsa Rupp Nature Trail is a peaceful walk through forests and historic Strawberry Valley wetlands. Look for the parking area on the east side of Old Stage Road just north of the Sisson Hatchery & Museum.
Ascending the Mountain...
Gateway Peace Garden
Open to visitors, walking meditation, monthly chanting.
Black Butte
Black Butte, once known as Muir Peak, is a "plug dome" volcano located between Mt. Shasta City and Weed. It has sometimes been called a cinder cone, resulting from one of Mount Shasta's many eruption, but is actually a separate volcano, complete with a well-defined hiking trail to the summit. The trail head is reached from a bumpy Forest Service road that is to the left as you drive up Everitt Memorial Highway. The Forest Service road is about 2 miles from the Mt. Shasta High School and is marked by a sign that says "Penny Pines". Take a left here and follow the dirt road for approximately 2.5 miles. When the dirt road crosses the overhead power line, take the dirt road to the left, go about 1/2 mile until you reach the trailhead. The distance from the trailhead to the summit is about 2.5 miles and the climb takes 2 to 3 hours. The magnificent 360º view from the summit, at 6325 feet altitude, will revive and refresh your body and spirit for years. Be sure to wear proper hiking shoes. Take plenty of drinking water and wear sunscreen.
Everitt Vista Point
Drive up Mount Shasta on the Everitt Memorial Highway (just follow Lake Street up out of the center of Mt. Shasta City past the high school). After you drive approximately 8 miles, you will see the sign for the popular Everitt Vista Point 1/2 mile before the destination. The view west over the valley from your car is breathtaking, but if you walk through the parking lot and take the trail starting next to the restroom facility, you will soon come to a stone lookout which affords a panoramic view to the south. On a clear day you will see Mount Lassen and Castle Crags in the south, with the sweep of the Eddy Mountains and distant Marble Mountain Wilderness Area to the west.
The Everitt Vista Point lookout is the location of frequent "star parties" during the summer, where local astronomers bring their telescopes and binoculars for the celestial show. Check the local paper the Mt. Shasta Herald, to see if a star gazing party is planned during your stay.
Panther Meadows
Panther Meadows is one of the most beautiful locations on Mount Shasta, with the purest spring you will ever find, and the most pristine energy in which to meditate, sleep, camp, etc. This area and its campground are reached from Everitt Memorial Highway, and is a short distance from Bunny Flat. The campsite is located in Lower Panther Meadows and is maintained by the Forest Service, so their regulations apply to all camping here. There are ten campsites, no drinking water, and vault toilets. The campground is open in mid-June through Labor Day, depending on weather conditions.
Squaw Meadows
A 2-hour hike past Panther Meadow trail. A great place of purity and beauty. Bring all you will need for the day. Camping is suggested only in the stable summer months.
West of Mt. Shasta...
Lake Siskiyou
Follow signs from Mt. Shasta City south on either Old Stage Road or Ream Ave. to reach Lake Siskiyou. Drive over the dam and park across from the Castle Lake Road turnoff. Here you'll discover a dirt road leading down to the lakeshore...a perfect spot for a picnic on a warm Spring day.
Castle Lake Vista Point
Drive over the Box Canyon Dam at Lake Siskiyou and take the Castle Lake turnoff which soon appears on your left. This beautiful drive leads to Castle Lake. Approximately 1 mile before you reach the lake (6 miles from the dam) the road turns sharply to the right. Pull off to the left at this turn. A little roadway winds behind a stone outcropping, with plenty of space to park. Before your eyes you will discover one of the most dramatic views of Mount Shasta in our entire region! Come here in the early morning for sunrise ceremony, or late in the day to enjoy alpenglow on the mountain as the Sun sets in the west.
Castle Lake & Heart Lake
Castle Lake is an incredible wonder, surrounded by mountains with rocky cliffs on the south face. This lake is a must visit while you are in the area. To reach Castle Lake, turn onto Castle Lake Road just past the dam at Lake Siskiyou, south of Mt. Shasta City, and follow to the parking lot next to the lake. Hikers can follow the trail along the east side of the lake to heart-shaped Heart Lake nestled in the cliffs high above. This hike is well worth the effort. The Pacific Crest Trail traverses the ridge above Castle Lake, in case you're inspired to hike on north to Canada.
East of Mt. Shasta...
McCloud Falls
To reach these lovely waterfalls, drive past the small town of McCloud and continue about 6 miles further on Highway 89 to the turn-off for Fowler's Campground. Turn at the sign and drive less than 1 more mile to the McCloud River. Both Upper and Lower Falls are easily accessible by car, while the hike to Middle Falls is beautiful. This trail begins at Fowler's Campground and the distances are marked at the trailhead. Bring lunch or a snack and plenty of drinking water. Each of the three falls has its own personality. At Upper Falls, the quiet river gathers itself into a massive stone chute, charging the waters with enormous energy before they spill into a pool far below. Middle Falls, the most inaccessible, spreads a sheet of falling water over a lava cliff. Lower Falls is a wonderful spot to rest, picnic and play. Watch for the tiny Dipper bird which flies low and plunges in and out of the cascading water.
Medicine Lake
The area that Medicine Lake is in is one of the most unique geological areas of North America and has much to offer. There are 72 campsites for overnight stays on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a sandy beach and designated swimming area. The lake offers boating, swimming, water skiing, fishing, camping and picnicking. For more information call the McCloud Ranger District in McCloud at 530-667-2246.
Glass Mountain
Accessed from Highway 89 from McCloud, Glass Mountain covers 4210 acres of black volcanic glass, called obsidian. This mountain exhibits the results of multi-stage volcanic activity so recent that there has been no modification by weathering, erosion or vegetative cover. Wear good leather gloves and be careful not to slip as this "glass" can cause serious injury.
South of Mt. Shasta...
Dunsmuir - Hedge Creek Falls
Parking and access to Hedge Creek Falls is at the north Dunsmuir I-5 interchange. the trail begins to the right of a picturesque gazebo. It is only about 500 feet, but includes steps and areas that are steep, so please watch your step. Lava from Mount Shasta flowed into this area many thousand years ago. The Sacramento River has cut a path through this basaltic rock, and tiny Hedge Creek spills over the lip of the ancient flow, splashing through space to a pool below. You will see how the gentle waters, over time, have cut a groove in the solid rock, and learn about the power hidden in a tiny creek.
Mossbrae Falls
These falls are unique and beautiful in that they cascade from multiple sources on a high, moss- and fern-covered bank and fall into the Sacramento River. The trail to Mossbrae Falls is actually the gravel right-of-way for the railroad tracks. To get there, take the road off North Dunsmuir Ave. into the Shasta Retreat. Cross the bridge over the Sacramento River and park. Walk north about 1 mile and when you see the train trellis, look to the right for a short trail leading to the falls. During the walk to and from the falls, expect to encounter at least one train. You will be able to hear the engines for several minutes before you see them, which will give you plenty of time to step to the side where you will be safe. Keep to the outside instead of the rock face. Be assured, it is a uniquely beautiful sight and well worth the trouble getting there.
Castle Crags State Park
Many trails, from high alpine cliffs to riverfront strolls, are perfect for hikers and day visitors at Castle Crags State Park south of Dunsmuir. At this 10,500 acre park you'll find towering granite spires, steep-sided canyons and a few alpine lakes. Most of the area is covered with high brushfields and rocky outcrops with a few wet meadows in the creek headwaters. Elevations range from 2000' along the Sacramento River to over 6500' at the summit of the highest crags. In the Spring, the numerous dogwood trees in bloom are an enjoyable sight all along the hiking trails which are well maintained. You can also access the Pacific Crest Trail from the park. Maps will be available when you register at the park's entry station. You can also call the Park Ranger at 530-235-2684 to get more information.
North of Mt. Shasta...
Stewart Mineral Springs
This unique 100-year old resort is located on pure, rushing Parks Creek a few miles northwest of Weed. Open to the public certain times during spring, summer and fall, it features therapeutic hot mineral baths, individual private tubs, sauna and massage. Native American purification sweats are held periodically. Lodging is available. This is an ideal place for workshops and seminars for groups of 30 or more. To get there, take Interstate 5 Edgewood Exit and follow signs to 4617 Stewart Springs Road, phone 530-938-2222.
Pluto Caves
During Mount Shasta's many eruptions lava oozed slowly over the landscape, filly gullies and narrow valley. The outer edges cooled more quickly leaving hollow lava shells called lava tubes. Pluto Caves are an easily accessible example of the thousands of lava tubes, many undiscovered or kept secret, which pepper the landscape in the Sacred Mountain Region. Pluto Cave has held sacred significance for Native American Tribes for hundreds of years. Sadly, its accessibility has led to misuse by thrill seekers, but the experience is worth the hike into these eerily magnificent caves. Wear hiking shoes, go in pairs and take flashlights and extra batteries. To reach the Caves, go out Hwy 97 approximately 12 miles to Road A12. Turn west, and go 3 miles. Slow down, and watch carefully on the left for a telephone pole with "Pluto Caves" in silver letters attached directly to the pole. Turn left and drive about 2/10 of a mile to the dirt parking area. Follow the rock edged walkway to the Caves.
Living Memorial Sculpture Garden
The Living Memorial Sculpture Garden, set at the edge of the Shasta Valley northeast of Mt. Shasta, was dedicated as a war memorial, but the larger than life metal sculptures evoke a powerful sense of striving for peace. The sculptures are arranged within walking distance of each other with the stark landscape and lovely distant view of Mount Shasta as a backdrop. To get to the Gardens, drive out Hwy 97 from Weed about 12 miles. The turnoff to the Gardens is one mile past Road A12. the highway will take you into the high desert area of the Sacred Mountain Region. The stark arid landscape sets off the magnificence of the northern slopes of Mount Shasta.
Tule Lake, Petroglyph Rock, and Captains Jack's Stronghold
If you have more time available, you may want to include a long day trip to Tule Lake, Petroglyph rock, and Captains Jack's stronghold. Tule Lake is a natural wildlife preserve and any time of the year you can see all kind of abundant wildlife. In Jan-Feb. you can be amost assured to see bald eagles! Petroglyph Rock is near the Lake and is a cliff that has ancient Indian carvings. We find this site extremely powerful and the site is guarded by a pair of falcons and you may see a owl too. Captains Jack's Stronghold is a site where the Modok Indians held off the cavalry for nearly a year. When you enter the stronghold you can feel the presence of the spirit of Captain Jack and also feel the presence of ghost dancers. The ghost dance site is not marked but you will find it with you intuition. To get there, go on Interstate 5 north from Mt Shasta and exit at the Central Weed exit, where there will be a sign for highway 97. Go through Weed and take 97 for about 50 or so miles, going through the small town of Dorris on your way and continuing on 97 to Highway 161. Go east on 161. Tule Lake is on highway 161, and there are many dirt roads to explore in the Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. To get to Petroglyph rock, take 161 to Highway 139. Take a right, and go south on 139 and follow the signs to Petroglyph rock. Captain Jack's Stronghold is further south on 139, and is part of the Lava Beds National Monument, where you can also explore many incredible ice caves and lava tubes.
Remember when entering sacred areas to ask permission from the guardian spirits and enter with honor and respect.
Aluna Joy was a resident of the Mt Shasta area from 1986 to 1999, and hopes to one day call it home again.