This is the True ORIGINAL website representing the body of work and Heart and Soul that is Aluna Joy Yaxk'in.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is not affiliated with nor supports any other website or entity in anyway.

Clarity for Your Mind . . . Delight for Your Heart . . . Wings for Your Soul. . . Power for your Purpose!
Offering Pilgrimages to the Mundo Maya World since 1995
Open-Hearted, Love Anchoring, Magical Mayan Jungle Retreat Celebrating in the sacred sites of Palenque, Yaxchilan & Bonampak.
March 16-25, 2024
We joyfully invite you to Come Home on this Heart-Centered Pilgrimage.
In Celebration of a New Cycle of Creation on the days where the SUN is balanced between hemispheres and the veils are thinned.
Together, as ONE, we will Anchor LOVE into the Plumed Serpent Ley Line that circumnavigates Mother Earth.
We will also have an opportunity to gather ancient and timeless wisdom,
receive downloads and gather soul fragments from an ancient life.
Join Earth Oracle, Messenger of the Ancient Ones, ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN and the STAR ELDERS,
with our Heart-Centered Mayan spirit guide ENRIQUE ENCALADA,
on a spirit-filled, healing, clarifying and empowering life-changing Mayan adventure.
This pilgrimage is focused on Earth Healing, with Messages from the Ancient Ones, Meditation and Ceremony.
3 days in Palenque, and full days in Bonampak and Yaxchilan.
No other pilgrimage offers this much time in these sacred sites. We know that we can't rush Spirit.
We need to saunter, not rush and allow these places to speak to our hearts.
Aluna will offer messages from the spirits of the temples and the Star Elders.
Enrique will bring his wonderful quality of spirit and ceremony to the group.
All this PLUS . . . LOVE, MAGIC, COMMUNITY and as always . . . surprises and the unexpected!
Listen to your heart to see if this Pilgrimage Retreat calls to you. If it does, it will be an honor to have you join us.
Register for this Pilgrimage Here!
The Itinerary
Sacred Mayan Temples of Palenque, Bonampak & Yaxchilan
March 16-25, 2024
NOTE . . . We do not plan the spiritual aspects of a trip in advance, as we understand Spirit moves in the moment. But based on prior trips, rest assured that there will be a lot of meditation time, messages and ceremony . . . as Spirit guides us throughout the pilgrimage. We hope this helps you decide that this adventure is right for you. On a 3D level, this is where we will be each day. Only breakfast will be covered by the pilgrimage price. Lunch and dinner will be at your expense, but will also save you money and give you a lot more options and flexibility.
Day 1 - March 16, 2024 - Arrivals
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 12 AKABAL - Mayan Astrology Haab (Yucatec) is 4 MANIK
Our group members will fly into Villahermosa, Mexico. You will then take a taxi to the Cencali Hotel for the night. Mayan Murals that share the beautiful Mayan Creation Story grace the walls of the reception area! Overnight at the Fiesta Inn Villahermosa Cencali Hotel.
The Fiesta Inn Villahermosa a.k.a The Cencali
Day 2 - March 17 - La Venta and Carlos Pellicer Camara Regional Museum of Anthropology.
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 13 KAT - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 5 LAMAT
8AM - Enjoy a wonderful Yucatan breakfast.
9AM We will have a group introduction Opening Circle.
11AM We will Visit La Venta outdoor nature museum featuring a massive collection of ancient Olmec artifacts.
12PM Back to hotel for lunch.
2PM Carlos Pellicer Camara Regional Museum of Anthropology. It is the happy museum! It shares a beautiful side of ancient Maya life that is not widely known, especially the poetic and joyful life of the Maya and Mayan women.
6PM - Dinner time
Overnight in hotel at the Fiesta Inn Cencali, Villahermosa.
Day 3 - March 18 - Introduction to Palenque.
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 1 KAN - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 6 MULUC
8AM Enjoy beautiful and delicious Yucatan breakfast.
9AM We will load up our bus and leave the 3D world behind us and drive deep into the Chiapas magical jungle. We will check into our beautiful hotel with "the magic swimming pool". I am not kidding. Check into The Chan-Kah Resort.
12PM We will have lunch at our hotel.
1PM We will begin our immersion into beautiful Mayan frequencies by walking into Palenque by the waterfalls through old Palenque. We will stop to ask permission to enter this city of light with ceremony and prayer. We will begin to introduce ourselves to the site and the Plumed Serpent Ley Line on which it was built.
6PM - Dinner.
On this evening, or another evening as time allows, we can have a Mini Mayan Calendar Workshop. Learn how to convert your birthday into a Mayan day sign and what it means to you. Two different calendars will be shared.
Overnight at The Chan-Kah Resort.
The Chan-Kah Resort
Day 4 - March 19 - City of Palenque
Vernal Equinox Time: MARCH 19, 2024 at 9:05PM in Palenque, Mexico.
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 2 KAME - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 7 OC
7AM - Enjoy beautiful and delicious Yucatan breakfast.
8AM - We will enter the city of Palenque through its main gate. Enrique and Aluna Joy will guide as Spirit directs to different areas of the city to be acclimatized and be properly introduced to the site.
Lunch will be snacks you bring with you.
3-5PM in the afternoon, if our group so desires, (but not included in the tour price) we can book a Tezmal Ceremony (Mayan sweat ceremony) in preparation for equinox.
6PM - Dinner.
Overnight at The Chan-Kah Resort
Day 5 - March 20 - Ascension City of Bonampak First Equinox Sun Rise
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 3 KIEJ - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 8 CHUEN
Early morning departure for a great outdoor Jungle breakfast at Villescondido.
We bus through the jungles to visit the Ascension Mystery School of Bonampak on the Lacandon Maya reservation. This is the Home of the Teachers of Masters. This site has many ancient, Mayan Murals still intact that tell an amazing story to the steps of raising consciousness. The Star Elders revealed this amazing story about this site! (Plan to be out all day and bring snacks).
7PM - Dinner.
Overnight at Chan-Kah Resort
Day 6 - March 21 - Yaxchilan for first sunrise of the Equinox.
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 4 KANIL - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 9 EB
Early morning departure for a great breakfast in the jungle.
After breakfast, we will take an amazing bus ride toward Yaxchilan. Then we board a river boat and ride up the untouched nature of the Usumacinta River, named after the howler monkey. Yaxchilan is the temple for the Earth Element. This remote area is filled with monkeys, parrots, iguanas and massive Ceiba tress that are the tree of life to the Maya. We enter in a sacred way into the mystical site of Yaxchilan though a doorway in the temple that really feels like a time portal. This is paradise where there are no words that can express its beauty. (Plan to be out all day and bring snacks).
7PM - Dinner.
Overnight at The Chan-Kah Resort
Day 7 - March 22 - Palenque Museum and the Lost Temple.
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 5 TOJ - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 10 BEN
7AM - Another beautiful and delicious Yucatan breakfast.
After breakfast, we will go into the city of Palenque and visit a secret, lost temple with Enrique and Aluna Joy. Then we will visit Palenque's awesome Museo de Sitio de Palenque "Alberto Ruz Lhuillier" where Aluna will introduce you to the Butterfly Man from Copan (a living stone) and a full-sized replica of Lord Pakal's tomb that is still inside the temple of inscriptions.
6PM - Dinner.
Overnight at Chan-Kah Resort
Day 8 - March 23 - Reconnection to Mother Nature at Misol-Ha Water Falls
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 6 TZI - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 11 IX
8AM - Typical and delicious Yucatan breakfast.
9AM Drive to the stunning Misol-Ha Water Falls to connect with nature. Bring your swim suit and have a magical swim. Plan to be out all day and bring snacks.
6PM - Dinner.
Overnight at Chan-Kah Resort
Day 9 - March 24 - Going Deeper the Meditation Morning
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 7 BATZ - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 12 MEN
7AM - Yucatan breakfast. Hotel Check out.
9AM With Enrique and Aluna Joy, we go back to Palenque, the heavenly city of light, to bond and connect even deeper into the peace, harmony and oneness that this site offers us.
Back to Chan Kah for lunch or go into town for lunch.
Drive back to Villa.
Closing Circle.
6PM - Dinner
Overnight in hotel in Fiesta Inn Cencali, Villahermosa.
Day 10 - March 25 - Flights Home
Mayan Traditional Cholq'ij Tzolk'in (K'iche') is 8 E - Mayan Astrology (Yucatec) is 13 CIB
AM breakfast
Group to take taxis to the airport for flights home.

DOUBLE ROOM (price per person):
$3699.00 USD
The group size is limited to 30.
If group size reaches 20 everyone saves $250. USD
If group size reaches 28 everyone saves $500. USD
Invite your friends and SAVE!
There will be a small group fee of $400.US for groups under 15
Group size is 12 minimum.
Last minute spontaneous registration may not be possible.
Registration Instructions - Details - Registration Form
Please see above link, "Registration Instructions - Details - Registration Form" which has a complete list of what is covered or not covered, our cancellation policy, the waivers and all the fine print.
Meet Your Guides
ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN - Aluna is a Spiritual Archaeologist and sacred site reader and shares messages from the Ancient Maya, the Star Elders. Aluna is an internationally known speaker and lectures on the subjects of Spiritual Archaeology and the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness through the ancient cultures of the Americas. Aluna's work has been influenced by a lifelong interaction with the Star Elders, combined with a series of shamanic experiences that accelerated in 3 decades of travel in Central and South America. Aluna acts as a cross cultural Spiritual Guide on unique pilgrimages to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, England, Scotland and Egypt. Those who know Aluna call her a modern mystic and/or a psycho-geographical healer. Aluna simply considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites, to help others to tune their inner ears to hear, and to bring forward to modern times the wisdom and teachings of the past. She is a carrier of one of the rare Stones of Ica from Peru. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide since 1994.
I can say this a millions times, Palenque is one of the most tangibly magical places on Earth and I am not the only one who feels this is so. It is a great blessing for me to provide these pilgrimages, so others can reach their spiritual aspirations . . . These trips are gratitude payment to Spirit for all that I have received as a result of sacred site travel.
ENRIQUE ENCALADA - Enrique is a wonderful, opened-hearted blend of new age and Maya traditions.
When Enrique had his first contact with the Sacred Knowledge at the age of 15, the revelation of these truths changed his life, and he began to follow a sacred path which has led him in amazing directions. In 1984, he was the assistant to the Mayan Gnostic Congress of Atlantis in Merida, Mexico. In 1995, he participated in the Great Meeting of the Mayan Solar Initiation. This meeting deepened his Sacred Studies. That same year, he also fulfilled one of his life's purposes by going to Japan, where he found a lost part of his inner self. In Japan, he had his first contact with Buddhist and Shinto doctrines. After his return, he journeyed to Teotihuacan, Tlatelolco and the Maya lands to bridge the connections between the ancients of the Far East and those in MesoAmerica. In 1996, he received his first inspiration/vision to lead a meditation in Tulum. In January of 1998, he took part in the teachings of the 8 Verses of Mental Training given by Lama Geshe Tsultilm Gyeltsen. In September of 1998, under the sponsoring of Hunbatz Men and the Naga Ku Mysteries School in Japan, he was sent to Japan as an emissary to offer lectures about the Mayan Sacred Knowledge to Japan's New Age Community. There he discovered his Sacred Mayan name, Uc Ake Chan. In December of 1999/2000 during Y2K, Enrique participated in his first trip with Aluna Joy. Since then, he has had the honor to travel with her and her wonderful groups every Spring Equinox. "With honor to all my spiritual brothers and sisters, I hope to help you to open the doors / gates for all of you, in the magic places of the Maya. In Lak'ech A la Kin."
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The Focus for this Pilgrimage
If you are attracted to join us... you have been here before!
During this pilgrimage, our guests will have Aluna Joy's collective wisdom that has been gathered over 28 years of travel to these areas. Aluna will be focusing on helping each guest to learn to read, channel, feel, understand, etc... the messages embedded in these sacred sites and the energies they are providing us daily. You will understand and FEEL the powerful ley line that pulses through Palenque. This will translate to you being able to read other vortexes, sacred sites and ley lines all over the world. Once you FEEL it, you don't forget it!
Enrique is a dear soul who is a master of taking you right to the core of the heart in sacred ceremony. His soft and gentle heart wisdom can be applied to any walk of life. We are offering a slow and gentle space to really absorb new energy in this pivotal time and within the Equinox where the veils between worlds are naturally thinner. We will go slowly, mindfully, and deeply integrate the new energies that are birthing now. We will take a lot of time to FEEL and UNDERSTAND what these sites have to offer. You will receive new, upgraded tools that can be used as your life unfolds.
We are in a powerful potent time between time, to anchor a new light, truth and love into a new foundation and this will impact many generations into the future. If you are reading this now, you have already made a commitment to anchor our ascension, even before we took on this human form. We are descendants of ancient ones. It is not path for everyone. We are hard-wired for this change deep in our souls, and we naturally gravitate to these higher frequencies. It is why we don't fit in the usual societal circles. It is why we feel out of place in the world. We tend to have unusual perspectives on what has happened in the past, what is happening now, and what we foresee that we will experience in the future. And.... the beauty of groups.... has always been that we find our soul family in each other, and we trigger each other's ancient memories. When we gather as a group and hold our circle firmly and lovingly as one throughout the pilgrimage, we bring strengths from our unique experiences from which others will benefit. This is the beauty Aluna Joy's groups are known for. We are drawn together at this time by pure spirit. We become more whole, healed, stronger, wiser. And then in this wholeness, we can help anchor love into the earth that will circumnavigate around the planet on Earth's major ley line, the Plumed Serpent Ley Line.
In March 2023, we finally got to return after 2 1/2 years. The energy has shifted greatly. It is more pure and rarefied. It is becoming an open book to the cosmic Keys of Life and ancient wisdom that is still relevant to our future. All this is flowing forth to those who have an open heart to receive it. As most sacred sites are linked up to ley lines, they receive new incoming energies first, before they infuse and bathe the rest of the Earth and humanity in this new light. This is a joyous time for us to ANCHOR our new, UPGRADED SELVES with JOY, and PEACE and most of all LOVE. We are excited to OPEN OUR HEARTS to receive these new frequencies, and to integrate the new codes of creation that have just arrived in this new cycle. The Earth's new energy is arising, and we are becoming the twice-born children in this new field of manifestation. We are inviting you to join us in this great homecoming to the heart you remember!
Creation is always in a constant state of change. Old worlds fade away, and new worlds are created. This cycle is prophesied to bring about an ascended form of the divine power of the Great Ocean of Creation (the Divine Feminine). These are the creative powers of the universe. This ascended state, that is already with us, is calling us to awaken and empower and reach a higher plateau of spiritual existence. It has come time that we assimilate these powers of creation.
The creative force, the divine feminine, is in a deep process of re-establishing itself in Earth's material field. Much of this creative force is anchored in the crossing of ley line nodes (earth chakras) many of which also anchor the world's sacred sites, temples and pyramids. It is in these sacred sites that we can directly download this frequency into our bodies, memory, etc... in the echo of those who have awakened to this wisdom before us.

It is crunch time for humanity and we know it. We either step up to the plate and swing, or try to return to the hamster wheel from which we came. But we know all too well there is no going back anymore, only forward to our brilliant new future. All this is happening now because we are brave enough to take the next step, even though we do not know where this step is going to end up. It is radical divine trust, faith and surrender in the greater cosmos that allows our life to exist at all. We are planning to celebrate over this Equinox in the deeply healing, regenerating, tranquil and peaceful green jungles that are drenched in this creative force of the universe . . . the sacred creative power of the divine feminine.

Aluna's long history with Palenque.
"Palenque is my favorite sacred site of the Mayan world. My passion for Palenque began in 1990, in my more radical, younger years when I snuck into the site after hours and spent the night (A long story).
read the story here. It was during this overnight stay, while sitting in the Temple of the Sun, that I was a witness to something that changed my life forever. I received a rare energy download. I heard the music of the spheres, learned about the creative force of the universe, and saw a glimpse of the future regarding when this energy would return to Earth, and we would again experience Paradise on Earth. I was aware of an ethereal crystal city that floated just above Palenque. I knew that this city of light would return one day along with the ancestors and the starry ones who had lived here a long time ago. I was able to understand this energy, but it was not yet time to anchor this energy into our hearts, so we could be able use it consciously. Palenque has been my most reliable barometer for watching the evolution of Earth. I know that by watching the energy shifts in sacred sites, I can see a progression of events and the evolution of the Earth and humanity. I am called to return to Palenque over and over for this very reason.
Palenque - Knowledge - Wisdom and the element of SACRED WATER
Palenque is a powerfully serene site that is situated in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, surrounded by dense jungle and filled with parrots and howler monkeys. The Mayans believed that their ancestors came from the Pleiades, and Palenque itself is built as a mirror image of the Pleiades. Palenque was masterfully created to align with solstices, equinoxes, eclipses and zenith passages of the sun, and has also been built with advanced, sacred geometry. Here in the jungles are temples filled with hidden wisdom that hold the keys to living in a new era of enlightenment. It is time to finally begin the task of manifesting the vision of a new world that we hold so dear to our hearts. We now are living in an unstoppable energy, a chain reaction to manifest paradise.
Palenque and surrounding sites, like Bonampak and Yaxchilan , have held mystery and intrigue for thousands of years. It is considered by many to be an ancient school for spiritual initiates. Palenque shelters a living library that reveals universal truths to those who listen with the open heart. This living library of Wisdom, and the powerful Earth Merkabah that covers the entire city, connects with a universal golden grid. Palenque is built with advanced sacred geometry using the Golden Mean Spiral. It is considered to be an ancient mystery school for spiritual initiates. In the Keys of Enoch, Palenque is considered to be the head of a huge, geographical, dove grid anchoring a new definition of peace and wisdom. The locals call Palenque "The Navel of the Earth". Palenque is an activator for intuitive understanding and can accelerate our psychic abilities. We feel this will be one of the first areas on Earth to fully anchor the new world energies.
Yaxchilan - Grounding - Balance and the element of SACRED EARTH
Yaxchilan is hidden deep in the jungle between Guatemala and Mexico on the Usumacinta River. The ancient name for this city was probably Pa' Chan. Yaxchilan means "green stones" in Maya. The site is particularly known for its well-preserved, sculptured stone lintels set above the doorways of the main structures. These lintels contain hieroglyphic texts and imagery that describes deep Shamanic practices.
Yaxchilan teaches us to balance between the earthly world and the ethereal world. Its mysteries are buried so deep, that it makes any one who visits here dive deep within themselves. Here, described in its famous lintels, is the process of capturing, mastering, and becoming free of one's individual ego. Once this state of consciousness is achieved, we become ONE with all life.
This past year (March 2023) we received a gift. We learned of the purpose of a rare carved stalagmite. It was, and still is, a conduit that brings up energy from the core of the Earth and the Maya underworld from which all creation arises. Then this new creation energy anchors in the above manifested world. It circumnavigates the Heavens and returns to the core of the Earth to do it all over again. It looks like a massive perpetual evolving Tube Torus. Yet another mystery revealed as to why these ancient sites were built that defies contaminated Maya history written by the Spanish to justify the near destruction of the Maya world. But ego and greed cannot destroy what is anchored here for the evolution of Earth and Humanity.
Bonampak - Initiation - Ascension and a NEW ELEMENT
Bonampak has three Ascension Chambers that exhibit some pretty impressive, painted murals. Archaeologists understandably have misinterpreted these murals. They theorize that the murals speak about conquest, power, claiming prisoners, sacrifices, etc.... This is based upon the western mindset of the current times. But when we tune into the living energy in this place, we know that the murals are not meant to be interpreted literally, but are spiritual in content, and in doing so, they teach us self-mastery of the lower self and egos. Bonampak teaches us how to master the negative side of our egos and how to trust our inner truth. Jeshua learned from the energies in Bonampak when he walked the Americas (see the book He Walked the Americas). We can feel his energy strongly here in Bonampak, but also in Palenque as well. Jeshua had to master his ego when he was tested and tempted by his negative ego for 40 days. These spiritual tests are very similar in many ancient cultures. We all have to master the ego to become enlightened and regain access over our God-given natural abilities.
Palenque, Yaxchilan & Bonampak are where the ancient starry ones lived Heaven on Earth. A Cosmic Messenger's energy, Pacal Votan's, still radiates from the Temple of Inscriptions. Many other Masters influence the energy of this area including the elder race we call the Star Elders, Invisible Council or Star Walkers. Even Christ healed the sick and performed baptisms in the Queens Falls when he visited Palenque during the "lost years". He learned from the Star Elders about cosmic time, and the Star Elders learned from him about the Heart and Peace. Their energy is still there and so is their wisdom. Palenque is nothing less than pure magic and is still one of my favorite areas after traveling three decades in Central and South America.