We are entering the most intense portal since 1986 and 2012. This day is not by chance; it is in divine order. This day begins to create a bridge between what was and what will be. Welcome to the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal. This 20 day portal begin today. This is the beginning of the end of the past and the beginning of our future. Love is the only way through without disruption or even destruction. Only Love is the way through. (More precise details about all five phases of the 20 core day Ascension Portal to follow.)
We begin the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal with the Mayan day of 4 IMIX, which is a chaotic churning sea because of the huge wave of incoming higher frequencies. We could find ourselves all over the place and easily triggered and dysregulated in the most bizarre ways. Dreams are all over the place. We could feel anxiety because the collective field is a noisy hurricane of influences as we hold our breath as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. If you are an HSP, this is extremely hard, and peaceful isolation might be helpful. It could be hard to stay clear and BE in PEACE. This is our final testing ground for staying in the HEART. It is not easy. We might want to scream and cry and flee this earth. But we are here for a mission, and this mission is a critical point.
YOU ARE NEEDED. I want you to know that you are ASSISTING IN THIS ASCENSION, even if you feel you are not. BREATHE. GROUND, PRAY, VIOLET FLAME THE EARTH, BE KIND and SMILE at others, and ANCHOR so much LIGHT that you are.
We are entering a new higher frequency of unconditional love and harmonious co-creation and community aligned with a more multidimensional-spherical reality. The veils between alternate timelines, and past, present, and future, are thinning, so sensitive ones can access them much easier now. We have become masters of living in the great unknown and navigating chaos on a moment-by-moment basis. We can now hold our centers and keep our hearts open even while all outer foundations seem to be crumbling around us. During this cycle, we might experience a spiritual existential crisis, ego death, energy crucifixion, and being very vulnerable. This is temporary but can be a painful initiation. Just BE in a state of surrender and allow the process. It does bring great gifts as we assimilate these new frequencies.
What is the 20 Core Day Ascension Portal?
For 20 days, humanity will begin to travel through a cosmic chakra system and activate our kundalini. This 20 Core Day Ascension Portal arrives from November 5th to the 24th, 2024. We will travel through a cosmic chakra /kundalini system and activate our future. We will anchor a new, unique foundation stone that has been created apart from all the division and chaos of the dissolving world. These days are powerful and activating as we move beyond the past and merge the present with our future. These 20 days are the center column of a cosmic calendar that represents the spinal column of the human body and the core of the Earth running from north to south.
It burns a holy awakening fire through our chakras. This energy descends to Earth from the great central sun and God / Hunab Ku. Every 260 days, these energies return over and over, but each time, they return with an ascending frequency, and it takes us to a higher, more rarified level. This is literally an upward ascension spiral. These 20 days will be powerful at this pivotal and unique time on Earth, where we have been pushed out of our comfort zones, and we have no control of the crumbling reality around us. It is a process that requires a deep surrender and total trust in this cosmic process and an unshakeable knowing that you are safe, strong, and protected by the universe. When these Core days are worked with a conscious, open heart, with deep surrender and intent for the highest good, they can help anchor and manifest new higher frequencies into form. This is why I am posting this process again to you now.
We are being asked to absorb this trial by holy fire. We do this by raising our frequencies to contain more energy filled with light, unity, unconditional love, and balanced harmony. When doing this, we will also let go of fear, hate, division, ego, victim mentality, and all falsehoods. There is so much available to us if we rise above the noise, stay in our hearts with unconditional love, be filled with gratitude, and act from unity consciousness. We are being called to anchor to a new orientation point, a new equilibrium on Earth and within our hearts, and to anchor our higher selves and our physical bodies into the new cycle.
Each shift of an age always reaches a point of profound unknowing to find a new way within the new laws of nature embedded in the new frequencies. It is a time to anchor to our unique, divine inner centers and not get distracted or pulled into anything that triggers old programs or is from the old paradigm. These are all outside yourselves now unless you invite them in.
There will be five pulses of energy burning through the crown, throat, heart, solar plexus, and root chakras. Each pulse will last four days, and each day will hold one of the four directions (east, north, west, and south).
What happens during these 20 days is this ...
Fresh cosmic energy from the great central sun begins to descend into our physical body, starting at our crown chakra. At the same time, newly upgraded energy, coming from the core of the Earth, begins to rise up into our physical body, starting at our root chakra. This process is very much like when a lightning bolt strikes the Earth. When a lightning bolt descends from the sky, the Earth's energy also reaches up to meet the descending bolt. This merging point of descending cosmic energy, with the rising physical energy, reaches each other at a very powerful center point ... our HEARTS! The heart is the center of all centers, as it should be.
Then, the new cosmic energy, descending from the great central sun, will continue down through our chakras until it is grounded within our physical body and anchored into the core of the Earth. Our ascending physical energy will also pass up through our heart and rise up through our crown and beyond until it reaches and anchors to the great central sun. This process will take 20 days. This is also happening simultaneously to our Earth!
The beginning of most traditional Mayan ceremonies begins with calling in and sending love to seven cardinal points …
Great creator of all life, Hunab Ku.
Heart of the Heavens.
Heart of the Earth.
Heart of the East.
Heart of the North.
Heart of the West.
Heart of the South.
Heart of the Hearts, or center.
We suggest you start each day by honoring these cardinal points and the God of all creation with great love and humility. Do this as your heart calls. There is no way to do this wrong if you are coming from the heart. The universe and Mother Earth know your heart probably better than you do!
To work in tandem and be in harmony with these 20 core days of recreation/ascension energies, simply envision this energy as it rises up from Mother Earth and descends from the Great Central SUN as suggested in each of these 5 cosmic chakras.
The FIRST PULSE will be from 11.5.24 to 11.8.24
These are the days of 4 IMIX, 5 IK, 6 AKBAL, and 7 KAN.
This first phase will activate your crown chakra, which comes from the Great Central Sun, and your root chakra, which comes from the core of the Earth. These days will initiate a great ocean of potential, breathe life into this ascension process, release immense wisdom from the depths of our inner temples, and plant a seed for the intent of this process. This begins the merging of heaven and Earth within. If we pay attention, we can experience flashes of enlightened consciousness and feel quite elevated.
The SECOND PULSE will be from 11.9.24 to 11.12.24.
These are the days of 8 CHICCHAN, 9 CIMI, 10 MANIK and 11 LAMAT.
This second phase will activate our throat chakra from the descending cosmic energy and our solar plexus from the elevating energy from the core of the Earth. These four days begin collecting foundational wisdom. Like a death of the past, we will begin to let go and align with pure healing creation, activating and transducing wisdom into a usable form. We exit the mental world and enter the world of spirit.
The THIRD PULSE will be from 11.13.24 to 11.16.24
These are the days of 12 MULUC, 13 OC, 1 CHUEN, and 2 EB.
This third phase will activate our center point, our HEART, now in balance between the cosmos and the Earth. This is the CENTER of the CENTER. These days are initiated with the energy of the cosmic moon of creation. Information is refined through spirit in a way that makes it accessible. Emotions and heightened sensitivity may trigger some deeper issues. We can either destroy or create within this vastness of creation. It will begin a starting-over process. Health will need attention.
The FOURTH PHASE will be from 11.17.24 to 11.20.24.
These are the days of 3 BEN, 4 IX, 5 MEN, and 6 CIB.
This fourth phase will now activate our solar plexus from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate our throat chakra through the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days will begin with an activation called the pillars of light. It is where the Earth's energy will begin to knit together with the energy from the great central sun. This phase will also be embedded with timeless shamanic-like wisdom. We will have access to higher forms of natural forces from the cosmos and be able to anchor them into a more usable form on Earth. This is also where the real work will really start to kick in. Complex human relationships could feel unwieldy as we soar with a broader vision and clarity about our service in the world. We will gain new boundaries that rise to a higher standard. This will trigger a more honest self-confidence, assisting us with being comfortable with authority figures without giving up personal power. During these days, we can learn to foster authentic community if focused upon.
The FIFTH and final phase will be from 11.21.24 to 11.24.24.
These are the days of 7 CABAN, 8 ETZNAB, 9 CAUAC, and 10 AHAU.
This fifth phase will activate your root chakra from the descending energies of the great central sun. It will also activate your crown chakra with the elevating energies from core of the Earth. These four days are the highest frequency of all 20-day signs, and they offer the most evolution … but can also trigger the most profound work. Progressive and controversial creations could be birthed with strong convictions, but the challenge will be to hold it together. We might need space to face many new things reflecting back in the world mirror to us. If you focus on community, you can develop cooperation skills instead of being limited to self-interest vs self-sacrifice. Lightning-flash clarity can come regarding accessing your inner truth. We may be able to receive wisdom from physical or ethereal sources. We could be disappointed with unrealistic expectations triggered by our refined idealism. These are four spiritual days where purification will rise to the forefront and even trigger our inner healer.
The end of the 20 core days always leaves us a little frazzled, and we may feel overwhelmed. We have absorbed so much in such a short amount of time that we may need to stop and breathe and just let it all settle in. Don't force yourself to understand anything at first because you push the wisdom away when you do. Just allow all this to settle into your body while the great central sun and the Earth's core anchor inside you. Once you gain some distance from these 20 days, you can look back and understand where you have grown and what transpired in these powerful days.
Keep in mind that these 20 core days could be viewed from many perspectives and from many traditions. This above process is based on a modern-day, Yucatec-based calendar that utilizes the 20 core days. There are layers within layers and cycles within cycles within infinite, spherical time. This is only the front page of a huge book of knowledge that we all have access to. Keep your eyes and heart open. This is the energy we all walk through together.
"There is SO MUCH rarified, etheric support flowing from higher realms to lift you out of all the defending noise of the crumbling world and up into the realm of new higher frequencies and experiences. The higher realms have manifested a new foundation in this emerging future world. Many of your higher selves, in tandem with the company of heaven, the Ascended Masters, the Elohim, your guides, and the legions of light, have built this foundation. This new world is your creation. Everything beyond this time will be original and indigenous to this new cycle. This new world has more freedom and fewer limitations, boundaries, or borders, but it also comes with more responsibilities. To enter this time, you must let go of all that is dissolving around you. It is not a time to fight or judge what still is. It is time to step into clean and clear new frequencies, allow all that is new within, and rise up with divine centeredness and profound congruency." … The Star Elders
The 20 Core Day Ascension Portal Chart is offered as part of the Mayan Calendars with the year's forecast. It is free or by donation. Mayan Calendar and Mayan Date Converters
If you have already ordered your pure Egyptian oils from us, here is how to work these 20 days with the intent to merge the ascending energy, from the core of the Earth, with the descending energy, from the great central sun, into your heart in the most balanced possible way while still in a human space suit. https://www.alunajoy.com/oils.html
For the ascending Root Chakra use Red Amber Oil.
(And / or with)
For the descending Crystal Chakra use Sakkara Flower Oil.
For the ascending Solar Plexus Chakra use Jasmine Oil.
(And / or with)
For the descending Intergalactic / Divine Source Chakra use Golden Oil.
For the ascending Heart Chakra use Rose Oil.
(And / or with)
For the descending Galactic / Star Gate Chakra use Frankincense Oil.
For the ascending Throat Chakra use Amber Cashmere Oil.
(And / or with)
For the descending Earth / Universal Chakra use Nile Flower Oil.
FIFTH PULSE (final phase)
For the ascending Crown Chakra use Lotus Oil
(And / or with)
For the descending Higher Self / Soul Star Chakra use Papyrus Oil.
Read about all our EGYPTIAN ESSENTIAL OILS from Cairo, Egypt here ... https://www.alunajoy.com/oils.html
Heart Donations are greatly appreciated and help me continue to offer messages freely as spirit calls. You may also send your gratitude and support through the ethers. These help me cover monetary and energetic expenses for posting these messages to you. Thank you very much! https://www.alunajoy.com/heartdonation.html
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today, she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister, and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant/clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what effect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England, Scotland and Wales) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: www.AlunaJoy.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/alunajoyyaxkin YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/feelthelove2012
Copyright Guidelines: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - www.AlunaJoy.com - 1995-2024 - Unauthorized publication and/or duplication of any material on our web site without permission from its author and/or owner is prohibited. RE-POSTING SHARING GUIDELINES: We allow SHARING freely, only if shared through Aluna's Public Facebook Page SHARE LINK, or the original WEBSITE LINK and NOT used for self promotion. This way there is no confusion to who the author is for this information, and no confusion to who the author is connected to or who she supports. Thank you everyone for understanding. Just make sure the original LINK to the posts is added to your sharing. Thank you for your great support. We would not be able to continue this work if it were not for you. We send you awesome radiant blessings today and for the beautiful future that we are co-creating together.
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Image credit to Mike Jefferies of Glastonbury England.
Over 50% booked and going quickly.
On this pilgrimage to England and Cornwall's sacred lands, we will follow the Archangel Michael and Mary Ley Lines and work with the Sacred Sites and Ancient Portals. We will assimilate the new elevating Earth frequencies. They will heal, restore balance, and upload new codes of nature and the new human blueprint. These holy lands can anchor us to our new sacred path and lives and reawaken a new passion for our work and service to Earth.
The Holy Chalice within us was radically emptied from 2022 to 2024, and now we have the opportunity to mindfully refill it with new, higher, wiser frequencies. Now, it is time (finally) for us to step into this new cycle with body, mind, and spirit. It is time we put into practice all our newly acquired wisdom. This great inner wisdom is humanity's God-given birthright, and sacred pilgrimage is a powerful catalyst for our transformation.
The practice of assimilating new Earth frequencies has been mirrored in the past through numerous Master Teachers and sacred lineages that maintain the Divine Blueprint. Linking new codes of Earth with our body, mind, and spirit enables us and emanates through us to restore our ENLIGHTENED CHRIST BODY and restore our NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT on Earth. Opposing, controlling forces can no longer stop or even slow the wave of light that is coming.
Join us if you feel a calling there are a few spots waiting for you. Find out more about Magical Cornwall here... https://www.alunajoy.com/ENGLAND-CORNWALL-PILGRIMAGE-2025.html
EGYPT and Private NILE SAILING in October 2025
Dancing with the Divine - Awakening to our Ancient Wisdom
Anchoring Divine LOVE on Mother Earth on one of Earth's Major Chakra Spinner Wheels
Step Back in Time and Step into your Divinity,
All while gently Sailing on the Nile on a Private Luxury Sail Boat
Cairo - Giza Pyramids - The King's Chamber - The Sphinx - Cairo Museum - Luxor Temple - Isis Temple at Philae - Karnak Temple - Aswan & Luxor Markets - The Valley of the Kings - Deir el Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple) - King Tut's Treasures - Dendara Temple - Edfu Temple - Kom Ombo Temple - Abu Simbel (optional). Our private yacht will SAIL with the wind, as they did thousands of years ago.
- 2 hours Private time in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
- Private time at The Sphinx
- Private sunrise time at Philae's Isis Temple.
- A Luxurious, Private Yacht (Dahabeya) on The Nile
Join us if you feel the call. Find out more about Egypt here... https://www.alunajoy.com/EGYPT-TOUR-2025.htm
for this and all future pilgrimages as they become available.
There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way. . . things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.

Aluna Joy sharing a message in Ollantaytambo, Peru.
Make Heart Donations
If you are feeling appreciation for my work please consider sending me a HEART DONATION, or better yet, send an easy re-occurring donation. I want to maintain a subscription free zone as long as we can afford to. But I also trust that Spirit, and our like minded community will cover our expenses. Offer a Heart Donation