Mayan year of 1 (jun) NOJ (earth)
Mayan Kiche' Calendar. (Traditional Calendar)
The number 1 is all about the opportunity to access pure energy to initiate the beginning of any creation. Number 1 can come with a great force, a higher power, and can also have the element of surprise. It is a restart button. It is considered the first gear in manifesting something greater and beyond our current reality. But the first gear does not turn easily. It will need time and patience to readjust the current reality. We will need to build a new framework for the following gears of time to be built upon. There could be many false starts and many readjustments to having life flow within these new frequencies.
The day sign of NOJ, acts as a great initiator as well. It is one of 4 day signs that are keepers of the cosmic cycles and calendars. All things that manifest in a new cycle come from the energy that NOJ emits. It can bring the frequency of great potential for this entire year, yet will not manifest on its own. NOJ is the dream but not the creation. The vision will manifest once it is acknowledged and then the proper action is taken. All the other 19 day signs come together, through earth and humanity, to manifest a dream. This is how we build the dream as the ONE, yet from 20 unique perspectives. It is a collective process with each day sign flowing through this year, giving a unique blend of energy needed to build the future. NOJ is about gaining new knowledge of the mind, and great wisdom of the heart. This knowledge/wisdom will initiate new aligned actions needed to begin the building process. NOJ means the creation energy of the Earth. Many light workers, healers, etc. are feeling a great need to anchor a mass amount of high frequency LOVE that we are finally beginning to emanate from our hearts. This heart frequency builds new foundations but also withdraws energy from those things that need to fall away. We are called to anchor The LOVE into all the Earth's sacred places, and into the ley line grids, which acts as a circulatory system for the planet.
(Auspicious days for the traditional Maya in this calendar year are ... June 29th 2022 on 10 NOJ. (Green outlined box) This is the most powerful manifesting energy for this year. Newly birthed creations will begin to flow more easily now. November 30th is the very sacred and holy day of 8 BATZ (Blue box). This day comes every 260 days. The Maya all around Guatemala gather in the re-creation of the 260 day calendar with powerful and complex fire ceremonies that were given to the Maya people from Star Elders from the 7 Sisters, a.k.a the Pleiades. February 19th, 2023 on 11 E, is celebrated as a solar new year.)
The Mayan year of 7 (uc) IK (wind)
Mayan Astrology Calendar. (Yucatec Modern Calendar)
The number 7 is a place of profound resonance with life. We are not fully in this physical world and not fully in the spirit world either. But we are in a place where we have a foot in each, but are never really anchored to either. Mystics and shamans have used this bridge to do their work for eons. It can be a place where we can touch spirit and bring it back into the physical world to elevate the physical reality. But the number 7 can also feel very ungrounded. When we are under the influence of the energy of the number 7, we might feel invisible, or unacknowledged, or unheard. Because of this, IK can be a real ego killer, and especially so for those born with the 7 in their birth chart. Those who live with an out of control ego, like the "faux" powers in the world, will need to return to authentic humbleness or face the possibility of crumbling their empires.
The day sign of IK means in this year we will be able to easily live more from the heart and from the new incoming frequencies, rather than acting from the head which is now mostly wisdom of the past. IK is able to bring in and translate the messages from spirit into a more usable form that can be applied to the new Earth frequencies. IK is also a day sign that can help us learn to live multi-dimensionally, within spherical time, and the ability to operate from many perspectives at once. In this year there is the opportunity for everyone to access this ability. We will begin to rely more on spiritual instincts, than on posted facts from all forms and all sides of media that are outside of ourselves. When we live our lives based in spirit, we also live from the ONE true source and the cosmic center between physicality and spirit. If we tune in will be able to hear the breath of spirit moving through us, and know how to navigate around the falsehoods that are now already dissolving away. The downside is we might become too idealistic, and forget to look at the realities around us. Even though reality is changing like the wind, it's important in each moment to acknowledge the physical 3D reality, but work from limitless spirit and our open hearts. It will be a year where we might find responsibilities weighing too heavily upon us and we might need to lighten the load. Many are already doing this. We might find that it is just not quite the time to make large commitments or large decisions. So much is changing in the world that by the end of this cycle, when we look back, we will be astonished how far we have come, how much is changed, and what qualities the new earth has for us. Hang on. It is going to be a roller coaster ride, so don't get hung up on the past, and allow the new frequencies to rise up in us.
(Auspicious days in this year are from September 16th 2022 to October 6th. This is the only 20 day, Mayan Ascension portal in this year. More information from a past core day cycle at
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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England, Scotland and Wales) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:
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Mayan Calendar for 2022-23
Traditional Kiche' & Mayan Astrology Calendar
March 21, 2022 to March 20, 2023
The Birth of the New Earth - The Humbling Sacred Bridge Between World
We have simultaneously incorporated the use of two Mayan calendars in this offering and added an insightful forecast for the entire year. This is a knowledge of time that has been revered and respected by the Star Elders and traditional Maya Shamans and Day-keepers for thousands of years. This calendar can be used as a launch pad into realities beyond our physical world. 10 pages of insightful, daily information (by donation. I stick mine to the fridge, so I can watch each day unfold, and hold space for the highest intentions.

There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way. . . things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.
We joyfully offer Sacred Site Spiritual Pilgrimages since 1995 to the Maya, Inca, Celtic and Egyptian Worlds.
Come join us on a Spiritual Pilgrimage!
Ask to be added to our PILGRIMAGE PRIORITY ALERT LIST for future pilgrimages HERE.

Aluna Joy sharing a message in Ollantaytambo.
Why YOU are called to partake in a Sacred Pilgrimage.
To embark on a sacred pilgrimage is to answer your soul's deep yearning to fully awaken. It truly means to step outside of yourself in order to encounter the God within you. You are called to discover divine grace, deep peace and awe inspiring splendor that of which you truly are. So. . . you are drawn to places where Gods and Goddesses, Knights and Queens, Ascended Masters, and Divine Light has anchored itself on Earth. These are places where heaven touches Earth. These places are often marked by the construction of mystery filled ancient temples, timeless majestic pyramids, cosmic stone circles, healing sacred wells, occult ley line grids upon the Earth. Even chapels and cathedrals are build on top of ancient energy nodes on earth. Even modern day crop circles are built upon sacred energies.
A pilgrim consciously and gently wanders in these sacred places with an open heart and an open mind to receive the divine. These sacred places produce high frequency cosmic starry light that deeply inoculates our very souls with holy and divine energies. This is why we change and awaken further after each pilgrimage. Our eyes are opened! These sacred sites work beyond belief and limiting programming, beyond simple faith, beyond the constraints of the worlds religions. This brilliant divinity goes straight into our higher heart and initiates a divine conversion. We begin to find our deeper purpose and become more abundant in all areas of our path. We become more compassionate, humble and kind with a deeper, more encompassing wisdom. Our world based ego fades away and LOVE replaces it. Simply put, we begin to embody our divine path.
This is why we do not offer "tours", and we are not "tourists". We are humble pilgrims, a gathering of joyful soul family of open and unified hearts, with a common passion to awaken brilliant light and the Divine Living Master within us and humanity.
- Aluna Joy