In these days leading up to the solstice, I like to pay close attention to all the clues around me regarding the shifts and changes in our quickly morphing reality. But these days, it has been pretty confusing to find the center point of a solid place to anchor. Our world simply does not feel solid, and this is the very reason that we know big changes and upgrades are upon us now. Yep, a whole lot is going on ... a big door is slamming behind us, and a new one is opening.
Our world is full of contradictions and uncertainly, but my dreams have been really clear. Our dreams are not driven by our ego but by our soul, and what we dream about are things that we need to either process or create. I had two dreams this week on two sepreate nights that helped me understand what will survive during this transfiguration, and what we will leave behind.
The first dream was not so pleasant. I had a dream of ripping up and tossing out little shreds of my previous life. This past was all viewed in black and white, which I understood as duality. All the bits looked like a little pile of old pencil and ink drawings. In my previous life, in this body, I loved to draw with pen and ink and pencil. But when my life drastically rebooted in the 1980s, I had to let go of all that I thought I was, and I embraced the vast emptiness ahead of me until things began to reform out in front of me. This was my deepest dark night of the soul in this life. After awhile, emerging in front of me was a new person. This was a person who was always there, but I never knew existed.
When I woke up from this dream, I thought I was being asked to go through this dark night process all over again. This was a frightening thought, but understandable with so much going on these days. But when I asked about this, I heard that this was not the case. I realized that I had already let go of this past life. This was an honoring of where I came from, and appreciating where I am now.
Many times when we have a realization or dream of an abuse, trauma or wound from the past, we tend to think that it is a sign that we need to work on this again. But it was clear to me that the dream or the remembrance IS the work that needed to be done; To see it for what it was, and move on. It doesn't mean that we need to dig it all up again and hold onto it, so we can process it to death. You never have to worry if you left something unfinished. It will come back to you, most times unannounced, until all the bits have been seen and heard.
The next night, I don't remember much of my dream. In fact, it was one of those dreams that you don’t see much, but you know you are being taught by the masters. But when I started to wake up, I heard a very strong question in my head. The question was ... since my rebirth, what were my top most pivotal spiritual experiences? It was clear that I was not being asked about the physical details of these experiences, but what were the very best feelings that I had experienced. Just before I opened my eyes, I had picked out two of my many deep feeling experiences that were very pivotal on my life's path.
The first was my experience of Palenque, Mexico back in 1990. It was the night I spent inside the temples. (This story is posted on my website here...
That night, I touched the infinite, and I saw the history of the universe and understood the connectedness and unity of all things. I was part of the whole creation, and I was the whole creation. It was an experience that took decades to unravel and unpack within me, and yet I still know so little of this night except the "feeling" it left with me which was glorious. That night was the inception of my work in sacred sites with groups.
The second pivotal experience was on the cliffs of Tintagel in Cornwall, England in 2012. I remembered an entire life changing, past life event in a matter of hours that began with a wicked fall were I cracked a rib. (This story is posted on my website here...
But this is not why I picked this event. It was the all encompassing feeling that I had at the time when I reached the edge of the cliff. It was the huge expansion of LOVE that I felt was so ecstatic that I could feel little else. Everything I remembered, and felt for the next day or two, was washed over with this heart and mind blowing love. Even with the pain of the cracked rib, I would go back into that feeling in a second!
So when I woke up, I realized that these two dreams were connected. I had to honor who I was in the past, and only take forward the very purest feelings of creation forward with me. These were the feelings of the vast universe, the unity and connectedness, and the total unabashed, unconditional love I have ever experienced. I knew that these are the two things that I will take forward with me.
Our new creation is not solid yet, and it is not time to build it either. Most of which we knew to be true, such as the things we learned, the wounds we collected, the downloaded programs from our ancestors, and the ways we knew to live may not be coming with us. As the old world grinds and groans into an indecipherable, confusing blur of dematerializing background noise, we can hold onto our elevated moments that changed our lives. These will come forward into our future. We can move forward free from all the bias, division and duality. It is the eternal truth we hold in our hearts that comes with us.
((And ... before I had all this written down, I had another dream ... I was in Peru, and oddly Mount Shasta was in eye sight from where I was. I saw a crystal covered, oval shaped UFO or ship descend and land inside the mountain. I ran over to tell my dear brother Willaru Huyata what I saw. I think he saw it too. The ship was so beautiful, and it looked like it was made out of uncountable, sparkling diamonds lit from within. It felt alive. Well ... I don't know what that means right now, but it was a unique dream for sure. And it got my attention. I wish I could record video of my dreams!))
I share these stories with you so YOU can take a few moments and recall your pivotal moments during this extremely powerful, solstice time. Hold these moments in your heart, and intend that these special moments will come forward with you as a foundation to build our collective future.
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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England, Scotland and Wales) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:
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England and Wales
July 22, - August 6, 2020
With Aluna Joy and Marcus Mason
Ask to be put on our ENGLAND-WALES-SCOTLAND PRIORITY LISTS for future pilgrimages.
Sacred Egypt - October 19-31, 2020
Cairo ~ Giza Pyramids ~ The King's Chamber ~ The Sphinx ~ Cairo Museum ~ Luxor Temple ~ Isis Temple at Philae ~ Karnak Temple ~ Aswan & Luxor Markets ~ The Valley of the Kings ~ Deir el Bahari (Hatshepsut Temple) ~ King Tut's Treasures ~ Dendara Temple ~ Edfu Temple ~ Kom Ombo Temple ~ Abu Simbel (optional). Our private yacht will SAIL with the wind, as they did thousands of years ago.
- 2 hours Private time in the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid
- Private time at The Sphinx
- Private sunrise time at Philae's Isis Temple.
- A Luxurious, Private Yacht (Dahabeya) on The Nile
Ask to be put on our EGYPT PRIORITY ALERT LIST for future Pilgrimages.

There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way. . . things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.
We joyfully offer Sacred Site Spiritual Pilgrimages since 1995 to the Maya, Inca and the Egyptian Worlds and the Celtic Worlds of England and Scotland.
Come join us on a Spiritual Pilgrimage!
Ask to be added to our PILGRIMAGE PRIORITY ALERT LIST for future pilgrimages HERE.

Aluna in the gate of King Arthur's Tintagel.

Why YOU are called to partake in a Sacred Pilgrimage.
To embark on a sacred pilgrimage is to answer your soul's deep yearning to fully awaken. It truly means to step outside of yourself in order to encounter the God within you. You are called to discover divine grace, deep peace and awe inspiring splendor that of which you truly are. So. . . you are drawn to places where Gods and Goddesses, Knights and Queens, Ascended Masters, and Divine Light has anchored itself on Earth. These are places where heaven touches Earth. These places are often marked by the construction of mystery filled ancient temples, timeless majestic pyramids, cosmic stone circles, healing sacred wells, occult ley line grids upon the Earth. Even chapels and cathedrals are build on top of ancient energy nodes on earth. Even modern day crop circles are built upon sacred energies.
A pilgrim consciously and gently wanders in these sacred places with an open heart and an open mind to receive the divine. These sacred places produce high frequency cosmic starry light that deeply inoculates our very souls with holy and divine energies. This is why we change and awaken further after each pilgrimage. Our eyes are opened! These sacred sites work beyond belief and limiting programming, beyond simple faith, beyond the constraints of the worlds religions. This brilliant divinity goes straight into our higher heart and initiates a divine conversion. We begin to find our deeper purpose and become more abundant in all areas of our path. We become more compassionate, humble and kind with a deeper, more encompassing wisdom. Our world based ego fades away and LOVE replaces it. Simply put, we begin to embody our divine path.
This is why we do not offer "tours", and we are not "tourists". We are humble pilgrims, a gathering of joyful soul family of open and unified hearts, with a common passion to awaken brilliant light and the Divine Living Master within us and humanity.
~ Aluna Joy