Global Inertia . . .
The last few years, many in the trenches, those anchoring the light publicly and those behind the scenes, have felt a bit burned out. We have worked hard to stay positive. We have seen little windows of high energy, feeling hope returning, and little doors to synchronicities and miracles manifesting, but then only to watch them dissipate quickly leaving us deflated, exhausted and depressed. Most of all, these things don't seem to build or grow into anything much bigger as they did in the pre-2012 years. Yet I am not surprised. I was told by the Star Elders decades ago about this collective depression and global inertia that was coming after 2012, as we entered a brand new cycle of creation. It feels like we are trying to start a car with a dead battery. But now it is time. We can jump start this car, this new cycle, but it will take a large group to participate together in this new frequency restart. So why are we here at this juncture, and what can we do to get moving again?
A Greater Plan . . .
We see the reality that there is a greater plan unfolding. Many, many, many of us out here have been given clear visions, blueprints and plans to evolve and ground this new cycle. The truth is that our greater plan in this new cycle is not about finding one savior, one avatar, or one enlightened being to pull the weight of the entire new cycle back into focus. That was the program for many past cycles. But this is a new cycle with a new plan! This time around the greater plan needs the participation of a majority of awakening, diverse, sentient beings, including YOU, to get on board and work the last bit of the problems, so we can fly.
But have had a set back and feel a disappointment that many have lost hope, or quit, because of the huge energy plunge that we survived entering into 2013. Yet we survived the plunge, and this was a huge victory in itself. But this survival left us in an odd, void space and left our spirits a bit stunned and traumatized, like spiritual PTSD. (This is why I started a private Facebook group called "Ascension Symptoms Support Group - What are you feeling today?") The issue, and even more, so since our recent lunar eclipse, is that we are clearing deeper levels of toxicity that we are just now becoming aware of. Our eyes have been opened even wider to the light, and to the polarity of the light. We have more clarity on all levels. In spite of all the challenges, we still have a strong faith and commitment to the plan. But we also understand that we know very little about what might transpire at this point. I know you understand this too.
Nostalgia . . .
We have been seeing that this time has triggered a huge wave of weirdly comforting and unexpected global nostalgia, and a time of looking backwards. This is caused by us not knowing what is ahead of us just yet. We see this manifest in the mass media with the rehashing of really old stories, crime stories, and re-makes of already re-made movies. This nostalgia is also very personal as we look back to our favorite memories, but it is also healing old wounds and processing old grief and loss. But our deep processing has also pried our eyes open to see a broader, unfiltered truth, and we learn to find peace by accepting these more encompassing realities. Because of this nostalgia and unrealized idealism, it has triggered feelings that maybe this is it, or that it is already over. This has also triggered a subconscious feeling of not feeling safe. Some are called to plan wills and make preparations to leave. Many people are on the brink of giving up. I hear some people think that they are preparing to die! But the sun rose up this morning, and we are still here. And we will be tomorrow too. When there is a letting go, it is an ending, but then there is also new landing place . . . and it is always here.
I know that many of you feel this . . . when the sun comes up in the morning, and we just open our eyes and leave our dream state, we feel the heavy weight of this world hit us, and we think "OH NO! We are still here." BUT . . . this feeling is telling me that we are on the brink of something new that our subconscious is already aware of. If there wasn't something better ahead, we would not be so disillusioned by what we are living in now. We really don't want to live in the past if we truly ask ourselves this question. So with that said . . . don't ignore feelings that are sad or depressing as they are awesome predecessors and clues to incoming new codes of light!
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If we keep looking back with fondness to what we knew, or where we felt safe, or we pretend that today is something that it isn't, will we ever move forward? YES! Please go ahead and reminisce, have a good cry and a good laugh. It is important that we finish this nostalgic, homesick process. When we do, we can also let go of the past, and allow the new emerging codes to begin to build this new world. This process can be a bit scary as this is a very deep letting go that feels very real and very final. We are truly saying goodbye to much of what we knew as truth. We need to do this. So . . . if you are still reading this, it is the right time for YOU. All the recalibrations have been made. All that is left for us to do is to say goodbye, and break out of the inertia that we are in.
The Tower of Babel revisited . . .
As we are working to pull together as ONE, we seem to be revisiting an extra, old story that began in Genesis. We are moving through a Tower of Babel-like program. This is telling me many things. First, we have been very successful, because we have returned to the beginning and are rebooting the very core of humanity's separation program. Only a few months ago we were working on healing family and ancient global lineage lines. Some of this is continuing still, but we have come back to the genesis of humanity's separation now.
The first clue I noticed is that we are having a great challenge with communication, unlike anything we have experienced in our life time. This is a global phenomenon. It might feel like there we are speaking different languages, but all perspectives are true, even if we can't see this right now. But this issue is going much deeper. If you pay attention and watch, you will see this all around you. Many people are not communicating completely, and we are not reaching each other. We are hearing through our filters of perspective, experience, assumptions, and programs, thus creating many varied personality clashes. We are not communicating fully, nor are we listening fully, and nor are we being heard fully. We are seeing this as an almost complete breakdown of communication globally, and an old core belief in the illusion that there was ever a great divide in the first place. This is amazing! We are beginning to heal the beginning of the separation of humanity all the way back to the Tower of Babel. We are gathering up all the fallen stones and are bringing them back together.
If I lost you, let me explain . . . Please understand that this is an over-simplified and very metaphysical slant on the original story. In the story of the Tower of Babel, humanity decided to try to avoid another great flood. So they decided to build a tower to reach the heavens. Of course this tower was built from fear, and not to mention it was physically impossible to do. Their efforts eventually fell to pieces in a pile of stone. Each stone symbolized a different language and the builders could only babble to each other. The builders could no longer communicate with each other. They had only one choice, to find their own path, to find their inner truth by going within. They learned that there is no short cut to freedom from fear or spiritual awakening. We must do our inner work.
The path to paradise will take deep work, and also by letting go, all at once and in tandem with each other. We must embrace every new moment, while saying goodbye to each passing one. It will take being authentic to each moment, which also asks us to be vulnerable and transparent with brutal honestly and total integrity. If we are not being as authentic as consciously possible, then we are stuck on a cosmic, hamster wheel.
Revitalization of Earth Ambassadors . . .
It is clear that humanity has the biggest spiritual light team the planet has had for many ages. We will carry the weight of this new cycle together. But . . . there is a great need for an enormous energy infusion to get our massive team back up and running again after the huge energy plunge in 2013. Many of the visionaries, messengers, teachers, healers, ambassadors and light workers I have spoken with lately will admit in confidence that they feel they have taken a big energy hit. Some even feel they could have possibly been targeted and thwarted especially in the last two years. This is on a global scale. (Please… don't go into conspiracy theory fear here, as it is a waste of our precious energy.) We are seeing our global light supporters hunkering down or even giving up. Most I speak with feel they are operating on fumes, and this is not sustainable. We need wide scale revitalization and healing on all levels for these ones.
Being a visionary, messenger, teacher, healer, ambassador and light worker has become deeply isolating in our electronic age, and has created a place without energetic or other kinds of support. Most are lucky to have a few people that they can speak authentic truths to without being judged. It would be helpful not to place our visionaries, messengers, teachers, healers, ambassadors and light workers on pearly, isolated pedestals and to ridged spiritual perspectives. They/we/us are not perfect. They/we/us are all human, and have stories that have molded our lives into what we are today. Our global supporters challenging life experiences have cracked us open so that the light can get in. We have grown through so much . . . just as YOU have. Don't hold them to inflexible spiritual expectations and ideals that were created in the past, because everything is being upgraded right now in front of our eyes. The beauty of this time is that we are becoming even more aware of amazing, new, subtle energies that are filled with light and promise, but we are also having our eyes opened further to energies that are toxic or not supportive to the greater plan. Let all our visionaries and messengers evolve as our reality does, moment by moment. Our global teachers, messengers, and visionaries put their neck and lively hood on the line when they share what they have seen and learned. I am sure that if you asked anyone of them (or ask yourself), they would say that they did not pick their job. It picked them. It is a calling, just as you have your callings. So support those who support you, with love, energy and any other way you can. And I know that there are many out there that can relate to this.
Still today sacred sites today are the most reliable places on earth where we can feel current releasing energies and feel that good old feeling of being plugged in, and are places where we can feel our light and higher self. Sacred sites still hold the cosmic center focus while the world wobbles, reboots and re-calibrates. The problem is that we can't live in these places full time. We are all searching for energy and a place that feels like home . . . and if we are searching for home, home must be already here. It always goes back to a core question . . . Does desire create that which it wants? . . . or . . . Is the desire a clue that it already exist? I think the latter is true for me.
The one thing that we can always count on IS that everything passes and nothing ever stays the same. The fact is that our core reality is changing so fast now that we cannot keep up with our minds. We can only understand with our open hearts. We do not want to be held back by outdated teachings of the past, although some ancient teachings are still foundations stones for every age. Be open and listen with the heart to new visions that will continue to grow within the new codes and frequencies. If you are too comfortable at this time, then you have lived this way too long, and you have quit learning. But note here that having some comfortable times is also rejuvenating and needed for you to be able move on. The Maya call this living the serpent wave. We have high times and low times. Own today for what it is with all its glory and all its atrocities. But living authentically and surfing reality is what keeps us moving forward.
Here comes a big point the Star Elders want to make today.
Prophecies are always based in fear . . .
The Star Elders to ask you to let go of prophecies and watching and waiting for further and further dates in the future that might give us faux hope. We need to BE here today . . . not waiting for some arbitrary date in the future. As Ram Das famously said "BE HERE NOW". I have been watching a long, long . . . too long of a time. I see that when there is yet another prophetic date placed out in the future that might save us, we are hampered because it puts off facing our issues and responsibilities, thus blocking our progress. Prophecy can be very dis-empowering. Yet, visionaries do see probable outcomes. These are most likely truth at the time they received them, but are received in order to trigger a needed course correction, and are not to have you sit back a wait for something to change for you. You have creative power that only works when you step on the gas pedal. Don't fall back into deep inertia when another repackaged prophecy comes along. They will keep coming if you keep buying to them. Getting caught up in future prophetic dates, no matter how entertaining, only slows our progress because our energy is not here today.
But why do we buy into these future dates? The fact is that we are worn out, we barely feel our future right now, and we all need hope to go on. I hear this, and I do feel it too. But this I know for sure . . . Today is the only reality that we have . . . Day by day, and step by step. As Jeshua shared "Keep your lamp lit." Be always ready. Again, this is why we need a wide scale, powerful revitalization and healing on all levels for our global ambassadors, messengers, visionaries etc…. So again, I am asking the universe for insight in how we can create this global revitalization. I am listening, but I am also told that we are already on our way to doing this. The revitalization has been triggered and empower by the law of reciprocity.
So . . . Today is today. What if you woke up today, and this was it? This was the day. Are you ready? The fact is that we will NEVER know the day or the hour. We must be as ready as we can be in each moment. Be the best we can be in each moment. Being ready might just mean that you got out of bed this morning, or that you were on fire and wrote a blog, or taught a class that changed lives. Don't judge the days that we might not feel ready . . . today or any day. The fact is that your heart is ready. You have already staked your claim in the new world haven't you? If you are reading this, then it is true! Otherwise, you would have stopped reading this at the first paragraph. You are ready, and always have been! You already know this to be true.
So there. Take that and run with it as far as you can, and do it again tomorrow. Support those who inspire you with love, energy and abundance, so they have the energy to keep inspiring you back. All are needed here. All are valuable in this process. It might look like we have had a slow start in the beginning of this cycle, but we have a plan. There is no doubt that we are making sure that all are aboard and are ready to surf the new waves coming.
My hippie nostalgia song for the day . . . How is this for some nostalgia?
"For What It's Worth" - 54 years ago this song was written by Stephen Stills and was recorded by Buffalo Springfield in 1966. There's something happening here - What it is ain't exactly clear - . . . Nobody's right if everybody's wrong.
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Aluna Joy Yaxk'in . . . A Star Messenger - Earth Oracle - Soul Reader - Sacred Site Junkie was literally born awake and in the company of her guides, the Star Elders. Today she has evolved into an author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak), a clairvoyant or seer of living energy. Aluna acts as a spiritual archaeologist using her clairvoyant / clairsentient gifts to excavate current messages from the masters of ancient, enlightened cultures to uncover what affect this has on humanity and the collective consciousness. She is well known for her down to earth, accepting attitude that makes each one feel like they have come home. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to the Creator. "Our groups are family, and each one is a teacher and also a student. We work together as a team to unravel the sacred mysteries of life." Aluna coined the term "sacred site junkie" because she is one herself. After her first trip to Tulum, Mexico, her life changed dramatically, and she was sent on an entirely different path in life. Since this time, her work has been influenced by uncountable shamanic experiences in sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna has been leading groups in the Maya world since 1986, the Inca world since 1996, and the Egyptian world since 2008, and the mystical world of Avalon (England and Scotland) since 2007. Aluna offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences and a free newsletter. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology" and her articles have been published worldwide. Website: Facebook: YouTube:
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We have a few spaces left for you... if spirit calls.
A Pilgrimage to The Maya's most Magical Cities . . . Palenque - Tikal - Quirigua - Copan
A Joy Filled Ceremonial Initiation Anchoring into our New Hearts!
March 15 - 25, 2019
Earth and humanity has finished Crossing the Milky Way (to the Maya this is a place of great transformation) and new energy is now being released. It is time for us to go back. This is our first trip to Tikal, Quirigua and Copan since 2012!
The lands of the Maya are deeply healing, regenerating, tranquil and peaceful green jungles that are drenched in the creative force of the universe . . . the sacred creative power of the divine feminine. This pilgrimage is filled with Messages from the Ancient Ones, Meditation and Ceremony.
Read More about this Pilgrimage HERE
Ask to be put on our MAYAN PRIORITY LIST for this and future pilgrimages HERE

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There are things that happen only once, and then again, never exactly the same way... things that only we experience. There is no way to predict when magic lands where we are. We just have to put ourselves out there and keep our eyes open, and feel blessed when we see receive gifts from spirit. These are experiences that no one else will ever see in the same way again.
We joyfully offer Sacred Site Spiritual Pilgrimages since 1995 to the Maya, Inca and the Egyptian Worlds and the Celtic Worlds of England and Scotland.
Come join us on a Spiritual Pilgrimage!
Ask to be added to our PILGRIMAGE PRIORITY ALERT LIST for future pilgrimages HERE.

Aluna in the gate of King Arthur's Tintagel.
Why YOU are called to partake in a Sacred Pilgrimage.
To embark on a sacred pilgrimage is to answer your soul's deep yearning to fully awaken. It truly means to step outside of yourself in order to encounter the God within you. You are called to discover divine grace, deep peace and awe inspiring splendor that of which you truly are. So... you are drawn to places where Gods and Goddesses, Knights and Queens, Ascended Masters, and Divine Light has anchored itself on Earth. These are places where heaven touches Earth. These places are often marked by the construction of mystery filled ancient temples, timeless majestic pyramids, cosmic stone circles, healing sacred wells, occult ley line grids upon the Earth. Even chapels and cathedrals are build on top of ancient energy nodes on earth. Even modern day crop circles are build upon sacred eneries.
A pilgrim consciously and gently wanders in these sacred places with an open heart and an open mind to receive the divine. These sacred places produce high frequency cosmic starry light that deeply inoculates our very souls with holy and divine energies. This is why we change and awaken further after each pilgrimage. Our eyes are opened! These sacred sites work beyond belief and limiting programming, beyond simple faith, beyond the constraints of the worlds religions. This brilliant divinity goes straight into our higher heart and initiates a divine conversion. We begin to find our deeper purpose and become more abundant in all areas of our path. We become more compassionate, humble and kind with a deeper, more encompassing wisdom. Our world based ego fades away and LOVE replaces it. Simply put, we begin to embody our divine path.
This is why we do not offer "tours", and we are not "tourists". We are humble pilgrims, a gathering of joyful soul family of open and unified hearts, with a common passion to awaken brilliant light and the Divine Living Master within us and humanity.
~ Aluna Joy